ogg's, 192.
_Tales and Sketches_, Hawthorne's, 211.
_Tales of a Traveller_, Irving's, 201-202.
_Tales of Chivalry_, 186.
_Tales of Superstition and Chivalry_, 73.
_Tales of Terror_, Lewis's, 32, 70, 120.
_Tales of the Genii_, Ridley's, 95.
_Tales of the Hall_, Crabbe's, 141.
_Tales of Wonder_, Lewis's, 69, 70, 120, 148, 186.
_Tam Lin_, 3.
_Tam o' Shanter_, Burns', 8.
_Tapestried Chamber_, Scott's, 150, 201.
_Tartarian Tales_, Gueulette's, 94.
Taylor, Joseph, 149.
Taylor, William (of Norwich), 148.
Tedworth, Drummer of, 6, 153.
_Tell-Tale Heart_, Poe's, 217.
_Tender Husband_, Steele's, 129.
_Terribly Strange Bed_, Wilkie Collins', 194.
_Test of Affection_, Ainsworth's, 175.
Thackeray, W.M., 38 note, 39, 75 note, 78, 86.
Theocritus, 14.
_Thomas the Rhymer_, 147.
Thorgunna, 14.
_Thrawn Janet_, Stevenson's, 147.
_Three Students of Goettingen_, 188.
Tieck, Ludwig, 65, 175.
_Told in the Dark_, Barry Pain's, 193.
_Tomb of Aurora_, 186.
_Tom Jones_, Fielding's, 7 note, 126 note.
Tourneur, Cyril, 127.
_Tower of London_, Ainsworth's, 176.
_Traditional Tales of the English and Scottish Peasantry_,
Cunningham's, 191.
_Transformation_, Hawthorne's (see _Marble Faun_).
_Transformation_, Mrs. Shelley's, 169.
_Treasure House of Tales by Great Authors_, Garnett's, 169 note.
_Treasure Island_, Stevenson's, 195, 218.
_Trimalchio, Supper of_, Petronius', 2.
_Tristram Shandy_, Sterne's, 134.
_Triumph of Conscience_, Shelley's, 120.
Trollope, Anthony, 38 note.
_True Thomas_, 3.
_Tunbridge Toys_, Thackeray's, 75 note.
_Turkish Tales_, Galland's, 94.
_Turn of the Screw_, James', 196.
_Twelve o'clock, or The Three Robbers_, 186.
_Twice-Told Tales_, Hawthorne's, 203, 205-206, 212, 213, 220.
_Typhoon_, Conrad's, 227.
_Udolpho, Mysteries of_, Mrs. Radcliffe's, 13, 14, 25, 45, 47-51,
53. 59, 61, 64, 75, 76, 123, 125, 128, 129, 131, 134, 137, 145,
Ulysses, 2, 14.
_Uncommercial Traveller_, Dickens', 193.
_Usher's Well, Wife of_, 3.
_Valperga_, Mrs. Shelley's, 165-166.
_Vampyre_, Polidori's, 169, 171-173.
_Vathek, Episodes of_, Beckford's, 96, 216.
_Vathek, History of the Caliph_, Beckford's, 94-99, 118.
_Veal, Mrs._, Defoe's, 6.
Verne, Jules, 226.
_Victor and Cazire, Poems by_, Shelley's, 120.
_Villette_, Charlotte Bronte's, 51, 224.
_Virtuoso's Collection_, Hawthorne's, 204.
_Vision of Mirza