furnished with an equally strong hook, on which he fixed the bull's
head, and cast his line into the sea. The bait soon reached the
bottom, and it may be truly said that Thor then deceived the Midgard
serpent not a whit less than Utgard-Loki had deceived Thor when he
obliged him to lift up the serpent in his hand: for the monster
greedily caught at the bait, and the hook stuck fast in his palate.
Stung with the pain, the serpent tugged at the hook so violently, that
Thor was obliged to hold fast with both hands by the pegs that bear
against the oars. But his wrath now waxed high, and assuming all his
divine power, he pulled so hard at the line that his feet forced their
way through the boat and went down to the bottom of the sea, whilst
with his hands he drew up the serpent to the side of the vessel. It is
impossible to express by words the dreadful scene that now took place.
Thor, on one hand, darting looks of ire on the serpent, whilst the
monster, rearing his head, spouted out floods of venom upon him. It is
said that when the giant Hymir beheld the serpent, he turned pale and
trembled with fright and seeing, moreover, that the water was
entering his boat on all sides, he took out his knife, just as Thor
raised his mallet aloft, and cut the line, on which the serpent sunk
again under the water. Thor, however, launched his mallet at him, and
there are some who say that it struck off the monster's head at the
bottom of the sea, but one may assert with more certainty that he
still lives and lies in the ocean. Thor then struck Hymir such a blow
with his fist, nigh the ear, that the giant fell headlong into the
water, and Thor, wading with rapid strides, soon came to the land
57. "Verily," said Gangler, "it was a famous exploit which Thor
performed on that journey, but did any other such events take place
among the AEsir?"
"Ay," replied Har, "I can tell thee of another event which the AEsir
deemed of much greater importance. Thou must know, therefore, that
Baldur the Good having been tormented with terrible dreams, indicating
that his life was in great peril, communicated them to the assembled
AEsir, who resolved to conjure all things to avert from him the
threatened danger. Then Frigga exacted an oath from fire and water,
from iron, and all other metals, as well as from stones, earths,
diseases, beasts, birds, poisons, and creeping things, that none of
them would do an