In October, 1838, a band of seven men met at an hotel in Manchester, and
formed a new Anti-Corn-Law Association. They were speedily joined by
others, including Cobden, who from this moment began to take a prominent
part in all counsel and action. The abolition of the duties on corn was
the single object of Cobden's political energy during the seven years
that followed, and their destruction was the one finished triumph with
which his name is associated.
After the rejection in the following year by a large majority of Mr.
Villiers' motion that the House of Commons should consider the act
regulating the importation of corn, the association developed into a
League of Federated Anti-Corn-Law Associations in different towns and
districts. The repealers began the work of propagandism by sending out a
band of economic missionaries, who were not long in discovering how
hardly an old class interest dies. In many districts neither law nor
equity gave them protection. The members of the league were described in
the London Press as unprincipled schemers, as commercial and political
swindlers, and as revolutionary emissaries, whom all well-disposed
persons ought to assist the authorities in putting down.
Before he entered Parliament, Cobden re-settled his business by entering
into partnership with his brother Frederick, and married (May, 1840) a
young Welsh lady, Miss Catherine Ann Williams. In Parliament Cobden was
instantly successful. His early speeches produced that singular and
profound effect which is perceived in English deliberative assemblies
when a speaker leaves party recriminations, abstract argument, and
commonplaces of sentiment, in order to inform his hearers of telling
facts in the condition of the nation.
But Cobden's parliamentary work was at this time less important than his
work as an agitator. If in one sense the Corn Laws did not seem a
promising theme for a popular agitation, they were excellently fitted to
bring out Cobden's peculiar strength. It was not passion, but
persuasiveness, to which we must look for the secret of his oratorical
success. Cobden made his way to men's hearts by the union which they saw
in him of simplicity, earnestness, and conviction, with a singular
facility of exposition. Then men were attracted by his mental alacrity,
by the instant readiness with which he turned round to grapple with a
new objection.
His patience in acquiring and shaping matter for argument was s