ulist, haughtiest,
Orgulite, pride, arrogance,
Orgulous, proud,
Other, or,
Ouches, jewels,
Ought, owned,
Outcept, except,
Outher, or,
Out-taken, except,
Over-evening, last night,
Overget, overtake,
Overhylled, covered,
Over-led, domineered over,
Overlong, the length of,
Overslip, pass,
Overthwart, adj., cross,
Overthwart, sb., mischance,
Overthwart and endlong, by the breadth and length,
Painture, painting,
Paitrelles, breastplate of a horse,
Paltocks, short coats,
Parage, descent,
Pareil, like,
Passing, surpassingly,
Paynim, pagan,
Pensel, pennon,
Perclos, partition,
Perdy, par Dieu,
Perigot, falcon,
Perish, destroy,
Peron, tombstone,
Pight, pitched,
Pike, steal away,
Piked, stole,
Pillers, plunderers,
Pilling, plundering,
Pleasaunce, pleasure,
Plenour, complete,
Plump, sb., cluster,
Pointling, aiming,
Pont, bridge,
Port, gate,
Posseded, possessed,
Potestate, governor,
Precessours, predecessors,
Press, throng,
Pretendeth, belongs to,
Pricker, hard rider,
Pricking, spurring,
Prime, A.M.,
Prise, capture,
Puissance, power,
Purfle, trimming,
Purfled, embroidered,
Purvey, provide,
Quarrels, arrowheads,
Questing, barking,
Quick, alive,
Quit, repaid,; acquitted, behaved,
Raced (rased), tore,
Rack (of bulls), herd,
Raines, a town in Brittany famous for its cloth,
Ramping, raging,
Range, rank, station,
Ransacked, searched,
Rashed, fell headlong,
Rashing, rushing,
Rasing, rushing,
Raundon, impetuosity,
Rear, raise,
Rechate, note of recall,
Recomforted, comforted, cheered,
Recounter, rencontre, encounter,
Recover, rescue,
Rede, advise, ; sb., counsel,
Redounded, glanced back,
Religion, religious order,
Reneye, deny,
Report, refer,
Resemblaunt; semblance,
Retrayed, drew back,
Rightwise, rightly,
Rivage, shore,
Romed, roared,
Roted, practised,
Rove, cleft,
Rownsepyk, a branch,
Sacring, consecrating,
Sad, serious,
Sadly, heartily, earnestly,
Salle, room,
Samite, silk stuff with gold or silver