a short cuirass,
Keep, sb., care,
Keep, s., care, reck,
Kemps, champions,
Kind, nature,
Kindly, natural,
Knights parters, marshals,
Know, acknowledge,
Knowledging, acknowledgment, confession,
Lain, conceal,
Langering, sauntering,
Lapped, took in her lap,
Large, generous,
Largeness, liberality,
Laton, latten, brass,
Laund, waste plain,
Layne, conceal,
Lazar-cot, leper-house,
Learn, teach,
Lears, cheeks,
Leaved, leafy,
Lecher, fornicator,
Leech, physician,
Leman, lover,
Let, caused to,
Let, hinder,
Lewdest, most ignorant,
Licours lecherous,
Lief, dear,
Liefer, more gladly,
Lieve, believe,
Limb-meal, limb from limb,
List, desire, pleasure,
Lithe, joint,
Longing unto, belonging to,
Long on (upon), because of,
Loos, praise,
Lotless, without a share,
Loveday, day for. settling disputes,
Loving, praising,
Lunes, leashes, strings,
Lusk, lubber,
Lusts, inclinations,
Maims, wounds,
Makeless, matchless,
Makers, authors, poets,
Mas,ease, discomfort,
Mal engine, evil design,
Mal-fortune, ill-luck, mishap,
Marches, borders,
Mass-penny, offering at mass for the dead,
Matche old, machicolated, with holes for defence,
Maugre, sb., despite,
Measle, disease,
Medled, mingled,
Medley, melee, general encounter,
Meiny, retinue,
Mickle, much,
Minever, ermine,
Mischieved, hurt,
Mischievous, painful,
Miscorr fort, discomfort,
Miscreature, unbeliever,
Missay, revile,; missaid,
Mo, more,
More and less, rich and poor,
Motes, notes on a horn,
Mount~ lance, amount of, extent,
Much, great,
Naked, unarmed,
Namely, especially,
Ne, nor,
Near-hand, nearly,; near,
Needly, needs, on your own compulsion,
Nesh, soft, tender,
Nigh-hand, nearly,
Nill, will not,
Nilt, will not,
Nis, ne is, is not,
Nist, ne wist, knew not,
Noblesse, nobleness,
Nobley, nobility, splendour,
Noised, reported,
Nold, would not,
Noseling, on his nose,
Not for then, nevertheless,
Notoyrly, notoriously,
Noyous, hurtful,
Obeissance, obedience,
Or, before,
Orgule, haughtiness,