And ever
since He is in the midst of those who gather unto His Name and His
blessed, precious word of peace remains throughout this age for His
redeemed people. Furthermore, "He is our peace, who hath made both
one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition, having
abolished in His flesh the enmity, the law of commandments in
ordinances, for to make in Himself of twain one new man, so making
peace. And that He might reconcile both unto God, in one body by the
cross having slain the enmity thereby. And came and preached peace to
you which were far off, and to them that were nigh" (Ephes. ii:14-17).
But let us notice here that four months elapsed before another feast
was kept. During these four months the harvest and vintage took place.
The feast of Pentecost had after it this long period before the trumpet
was blown for another solemn feast. This interval has a prophetic
meaning of much importance. Dispensationally we are still in the Feast
of Pentecost. This age is the age of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit is
present to accomplish His great mission, which is to gather out the
church. This blessed work goes on during this age. But some day the
Spirit's work will surely be finished and the new meal-offering, the
church, will be presented in glory. How this will be accomplished we
know from 1 Thess. iv:13-18 and 1 Cor. xv:5 1-54.
Let us remember then that the four feasts foreshadow the Cross of
Christ (Passover); the Work of the Cross which is complete Redemption
(Unleavened Bread); the Resurrection of Christ (First-Fruits); the Holy
Spirit and His Work on earth, the out-calling of the church
(Pentecost). We are living in the interval between Pentecost and the
fifth feast. But the next feast in its prophetic meaning will not come
till the church is completed and presented unto the Lord. The harvest
has to come. And the harvest is in verse 22 the same as in Matt.
Recently a theory has been advanced according to which the Lord must
come for His Saints on the Jewish feast of Trumpets. But that is only
a speculation. It is disproven by the fact that the new meal-offering
on the feast of Pentecost, typifying the church, must be first
presented to the Lord, before the feast of trumpets can come. What the
feast of trumpets foreshadows we shall see next.
+V. The Feast of Trumpets+. The feast of trumpets, the day of
atonement and the feast of tabernacles in their prophetic meaning are