ver against which King Joao weighed himself,
but the story of its capture at Aljubarrota seems the older tradition.
[83] These capitals have the distinctive Manoelino feature of the
moulding just under the eight-sided abacus, being twisted like a rope or
like two interlacing branches.
[84] The church was about 236 feet long with a transept of over 100
feet, which is about the length of the Batalha transept.
[85] She also sent the beautiful bronze tomb in which her eldest brother
Affonso, who died young, lies in the cathedral, Braga. The bronze effigy
lies on the top of an altar-tomb under a canopy upheld by two slender
bronze shafts. Unfortunately it is much damaged and stands in so dark a
corner that it can scarcely be seen.
[86] In one transept there is a very large blue tile picture.
[87] The Aleo is still at Ceuta. In the cathedral Our Lady of Africa
holds it in her hand, and it is given to each new governor on his
arrival as a symbol of office.
[88] The inscription is:--
Memoria de D. Duarte de Menezes
Terceiro conde de Viana, Tronco
dos condes de Tarouca. Primeiro
Capitao de Alcacer-Seguer, em Africa,
que com quinhentos soldados defendeu
esta praca contra cemmil
Mouros, com os quaes teve
muitos encontros, ficando n'elles
com grande honra e gloria. Morreu na
serra de Bonacofu per salvar a
vida do seu rei D. Affonso o Quinto.
[89] When the tomb was moved from Sao Francisco, only one tooth, not a
finger, was found inside.
[90] Besides the church there is in Caminha a street in which most of
the houses have charming doors and windows of about the same date as the
[91] 1524 seems too early by some forty years.
[92] The rest of the west front was rebuilt and the inside altered by
Archbishop Dom Jose de Braganza, a son of Dom Pedro II., about two
hundred years ago.
[93] A chapel was added at the back, and at a higher level some time
during the seventeenth century to cover in one of the statues, that of
St. Anthony of Padua, who was then becoming very popular.
[94] This winding stair was built by Dom Manoel: cf. some stairs at
[95] A 'pelourinho' is a market cross.
[96] The kitchens in the houses at Marrakesh and elsewhere in Morocco
have somewhat similar chimneys. See B. Meakin, _The Land of the Moors_.
[97] 'Esta fortaleza se comecou a xiij dagosto de mil cccc.l. P[N. of T.
horizonal line through it] iiij por madado del Rey