o, 21.
Theodomir, Suevic King, 5, 32.
Theotonio, Archbishop of Evora, 255.
Theresa, Dona, wife of Henry of Burgundy, 6, 37, 114.
Thomar, 56, 116, 222, 244, 261.
---- Convent of the Order of Christ, 12, 17, 28, 50, 51,
55, 70, 103, 151, 157-170, 194, 206, 224-230, 240, 250, 255, 260.
---- Conceicao, 231-234, 242.
---- Nossa Senhora do Olival, 63, 66, 68, 73, 74 _n._, 211.
---- Sao Joao Baptista, 13, 105.
Tinouco, Joao Nunes, 242, 247.
Toledo, 6, 37, 48, 58, 116.
---- Juan Garcia de, 42, 93, 94.
Torralva, Diogo de, 185, 226, 240-243, 250.
Torre de Murta, 117.
---- de Sao Vicente. See Belem.
Torres, Pero de, 149.
---- Pedro Fernandes de, 241.
---- Vedras, 267.
Toulouse, St. Sernin at, 36, 45, 47.
Trancoso, 33.
Trava, Fernando Peres de, 6, 7.
Traz os Montes, 1, 29, 220.
Trofa, near Agueda, 219, 220.
Troya, 3.
Tua, river, 2.
Turianno, 242.
Tuy, 6, 41.
Urraca, Queen of Castile and Leon, 6, 41.
---- Queen of Affonso II., 11, 65.
Uduarte, Philipo, 202.
Vagos, Lords. See the da Silvas, 211.
Valladolid, 247.
Vandals, the, 4.
Varziella, 215 _n._
Vasari, 130.
Vasco, Grao, 11, 12, 14, 112, 201.
Vasconcellos, Senhora de, 174.
Vasquez, Master, 91.
Vaz, Leonardo, 185.
Velasquez, 10.
Vianna d'Alemtejo, 135.
---- do Castello, 254.
Vicente, family of goldsmiths, 20.
---- Joao, 99.
Vigo, 9.
Viegas, Godinho, 34.
Vilhegas, Diogo Ortiz de, Bishop of Vizeu, 16, 111.
Vilhelmus, Donus, 27.
Vilhena, Antonia de, 213, 216.
---- Henrique de, 117.
---- Maria de, 213.
Villa do Conde, 29 _n._, 63, 106-108, 109, 136, 141, 142.
---- da Feira, 127, 128.
---- nova de Gaya, 256-258.
Villa Vicosa, 202.
Villar de Frades, 34-36, 99.
Villarinho, 31.
Vimaranes, 41.
Visigoths, 1, 4, 5.
Viterbo, San Martino al Cimino, near 60 _n._
Vizeu, 11, 14, 16, 44, 111, 112, 143, 161, 206, 236, 237.
---- Diogo, Duke of, 143, 161.
Vizella, 31.
Vlimer, Master, 49, 110, 207.
Vouga, river, 29.
Walis, palace of, 117.
Wellington, Duke of, 62, 77 _n._, 241, 256.
Windsor, Treaty of, 1386, 80.
Yakub, Emir of Morocco, 51, 56.
Yokes, ox, 29 _n._
Ypres, John of. See D'ipri.
Yusuf, Emir of Morocco, 51.
Zalaca, battle of, 6.
Zezere, river, 234.
[1] The most noticeable difference in pronunciation, the Castilian
guttural soft G and J, and the lisping