PANPSYCHISM, 176, 238, 285 ff.
PANTHEISM, in primitive religion, 78;
general meaning, 205;
types of, 390.
PARKER, THEODORE, quoted on religion, 67.
PARMENIDES, and rationalism, 168;
philosophy of, 308 ff., 337;
and Aristotle, 336.
PATER, WALTER, on Wordsworth, 38;
on Cyrenaicism, 260;
on subjectivism, 270.
PAULSEN, FRIEDRICH, ethics of, quoted, 302.
PEARSON, KARL, quoted, 230.
PERSONALITY, of God, important in understanding of religion, 62;
essential to religion? 108 ff.
PERSONS, description of belief in, 62;
imagination of, 101, 110.
PESSIMISM, 104, 299, 424.
PHENOMENALISM, general meaning, 176, 267 (_note_);
of Berkeley, 272, 275 ff.;
of Hume, 283;
various tendencies in, 281.
PHILOSOPHER, the practical man and the, chap. i;
the role of the, 306, 426.
PHILOSOPHY, commonly misconceived, 3;
of the devotee, 13;
of the man of affairs, 14;
of the voluptuary, 16;
of life, its general meaning, 17 ff., 153;
its relations with poetry, chap. ii, 112;
lack of, in Shakespeare, 33;
as expression of personality, 33;
as premature, 33;
in poetry of Omar Khayyam, 36;
in poetry of Wordsworth, 38 ff.;
in poetry of Dante, 42 ff.;
difference between philosophy and poetry, 48 ff.;
in religion, 108 ff.;
compared with religion, 112;
true attitude of, toward science, 116;
sphere of, in relation to science, 117, 395 ff.;
procedure of, with reference to science, 121, 135, 142, 154, 160;
human value of, 143, 426 ff.;
can its problem be divided? 149, 155;
origin of, 157;
special problems of, chap. vi, vii;
and psychology, 216;
peculiar object of, 308;
self-criticism in, 319 ff., 325;
permanence and progress in, 395 ff.;
contemporary, 398 ff.
PIETY, description and interpretation of, 72;
in ethics, 195.
PLATO, on Protagoras, 167, 269, 270, 298;
quoted, on Socrates, 170, 192, 194;
historical preparation for, 324;
psychology of, 209;
philosophy of, 306, 318, 326 ff., 382;
and Aristotle, 333;
and Spinoza, 318, 335;
epistemology of, 339;
ethics of, 342;
religion of, 346, 391, 393;
on evil, 352;
on spirit, 359;
on r