confessing it on man's behalf to the Father, and praying for our
PSALM xxxix. _Dixi, custodiam_
Burial of the Dead (Prayer Book)
Continues in some respects the tone of the previous Psalm. It may be
regarded as a Psalm of Christ bearing the sorrow of man's mortality,
and interceding on man's behalf with the Father.
PSALM xl. _Expectans expectavi_
Heb. x. 5-10. Good Friday, morning (Prayer Book)
A Psalm of Christ's Incarnation, Passion, Sin-bearing, and
Resurrection; it expresses the {116} secret of His Atonement (see
above, pp. 61, 62) and His fulfilment of O.T. prophecy (ver. 10).
PSALM xli. _Beatus qui intelligit_
John xiii. 18
A Psalm of Christ's compassion; and of the treachery of His enemies,
especially of Judas.
PSALM xlii. _Quemadmodum_
[Introit for Burial of the Dead, Prayer Book of 1549]
A Psalm of Christ's human soul in His earthly pilgrimage, and in the
prospect of death; His desire to return to the Father. Hence also
suitable for the Christian soul in sickness and dying.
PSALM xliii. _Judica me, Deus_
A continuation of the previous Psalm. Christ speaks in it to the
Father as He approaches His Passion, and contemplates with joy the
sacrifice He is about to offer for man. Hence this Psalm has long been
used in the Church as the immediate preparation of the Priest for
offering the Holy Eucharist.
PSALM xliv. _Deus, auribus_
Rom. viii. 36
The appeal of the suffering and persecuted {117} Church to Christ; her
confession of faithfulness to that which He has entrusted to her
PSALM xlv. _Enructavit cor meum_
Heb. i. Christmas Day, morning (Prayer Book)
The Church celebrates the Incarnation under the figure of a royal
marriage. The bridegroom is Christ Himself, described in vv. 3-9; the
bride, the King's daughter, is the Church destined to spread into all
lands. The "daughter of Tyre" is symbolical of the heathen world
coming to Christ. The "queen" (or queen-mother) of ver. 10 has often
been interpreted of the Blessed Virgin.
PSALM xlvi. _Deus nosier refugium_
A Psalm of the Church's confidence: she is conscious of the presence of
Christ and the Holy Spirit (ver. 4, R.V.) within her; and confesses
that this is her eternal strength amidst the warfare and tumult of the
PSALM xlvii. _Omnes gentes, plaudite_
Ascension Day, morning (Prayer Book)
The joy of the Church in the glorious Ascension of Chris