m the
jurisdiction of the provincial authorities. 2. They were elected by
the general body of the inhabitants of the _municipium_.
[9:] _Paulus Diaconus_: Lib. V., 7, 17, 18.
[10:] His words are: "Erano stati i Longobardi dugento ventidue anni
in Italia, e di gia non ritenevano di forastieri altro che il
nome."--_Nicolo Macchiavelli_: Istorie Fiorentine, Lib. I. _vid_.
Opere, Vol. III., p. 219 (ed. Milano, 1804).
[11:] It is difficult to draw any picture of the different ranks of
society at this period, which would at once be perfectly accurate, and
yet definite enough to give entire satisfaction to the student.
[12:] Geschichte des roemischen Rechts im Mittelalter, _passim_.
[13:] _Brunetti_: Cod. Diplom. Toscan. Firenze, 1806, Docum. No. 44.
[14:] _Idem_. Docum. No. 8.
[15:] _Brunetti_: Cod. Diplom. Toscan. Docum. Nos. 6-10.
[16:] _Idem_. Docum. No. 43.
[17:] _Liutprandi_: Leg. Long. Prolog. Anni XVI. et XV. et al. Vid.
_Muratori_: Script. Rer. Ital., Tom. I., P. II., p. 15, et seq.
[18:] _Liutprandi_: Leg. Prolog. Anni XIII. Vid. _Muratori_: Script.
Rer. Ital., Tom. I., P. II., p. 15.
[19:] _Crimoaldi_: Leg. Prolog. Vid. _Muratori_ op. cit. Tom. I., P.
II., p. 49.
[20:] _Liutprandi_: Leg. Prolog. ad Lib. III. Vid. _Muratori_: Script.
Rer. Ital., Tom. I., Pars II., p. 15.
[21:] _Muratori_: Script. Rer. Ital., T. II., Pars II.
[22:] _Savigny_: Gesch. des roem. Rechts im Mittelalter, S. 422 et al.
[23:] _Muratori_: Script. Rer. Ital., Tom. I., Pars II., p. 15.
[24:] _Paulus Diaconus_: De Gest. Langobard., Lib. III., cap. 16.
[25:] _Brunetti_: Cod. Diplom. Toscan. Docum. No. 6, anni 715.
[26:] _Ibid_.: Cod. Diplom. Toscan. Docum. No. 8, anni 715.
[27:] _Ibid_.: Docum. No. 11, anni 716.
[28:] _Ibid_.: Docum. No. 50, anni 756.
[29:] _Muratori_: Script. Rer. Ital., Tom. I., Pars II., p. 192E.
[30:] _Muratori_: Antiq. Ital. Diss. II., p. 186.
[31:] _Muratori_: Script. Rer. Ital., Tom. II., Pars II., p. 409.
[32:] In a donation to "Aimo Voltarius, abitator castrii Viterbii."
Vid, _Troya_: Della Condizione, etc., p. 361. Docum. No. 6, anni 775.
[33:] _Ughelli_: Italia Sacra, Tom. III., p. 28.
[34:] _Ibid_.: Tom. II., p. 145.
[35:] The word _palatium_ in the signification of _fiscus_ is perhaps
more frequently used by the Frankish kings than by the Lombard. See a
_privilegium_ granted to the nuns of the Posterla di Pavia by Lothar
I. in the year 839, in which it appears