After three years or a After two years or a
dissolution question to be dissolution question to be
decided by joint vote. decided by joint vote in
joint session.
1. _Imperial Matters_.
_No power to make laws about_--
_Nor_ with: the Lord-Lieutenant,
The Crown, War or Peace, Army or conduct as Neutrals, Extradition,
Navy, Volunteers or Militia, Trade-marks, nor (for six years)
Prize or Booty of War, Treaties, Post Office in or out of
Titles, Treason, Naturalization, Ireland.
Trade or Navigation,
Lighthouses, etc., Coinage, But Trade _within Ireland_ and
Copyright, Patents, Post Office _inland_ Navigation conceded to
(except within Ireland). Ireland.
2. _Irish Matters.
No power to make laws for the purpose of_--
(1) _Establishing or endowing (1) Ditto, ditto, but more
any religion_ or imposing explicit and far-reaching.
disabilities or conferring
privileges on account of
_religion_, or affecting the
undenominational constitution
of National schools, etc.
(2) Impairing rights or property (2) Ditto, ditto, or "without
of corporations, without address for due process of law" and
both Orders and consent of Crown. compensation.
(3) Depriving anyone of _life,
liberty, or property_ without
due process of law in accordance
with settled precedents, or
denying _equal protection of
laws_, or taking property
without _just compensation_.
(4) Imposing disabilities or
conferring privileges on account
of _birth, parentage, or place
of business_.
(5) (_For three years_)