he Sultan at Damascus
and by declaring his intention to help and sustain the Master and the
Khalif of 300 million Mussulmans. The seed of the words thus spoken
will sprout and will inspire encouragement for every kind of revolt in
the Mussulman subjects of France--and, for that matter, of England also.
Whilst William II was paying his devotions at the Holy Places, giving
all the impression of a pious benevolent Head of the Church, a number
of horrible evictions were being carried out in Schleswig in his name
and by his orders. Hundreds of families, dragged from their native
soil, from their homes and kindred, were led away to the frontier on
the pretext that they still clung to their belief in a "Southern
Jutland." Day after day, for the last thirty-four years, on one
pretext or another--and sometimes without any--the Danes have been
discouraged from living in Schleswig. Either life has gradually been
made impossible for them, or else they have been suddenly compelled to
leave the house where they were born, where their elders hoped to die
in peace, and their places have been filled by German colonists. A
terrible exodus, shameful cruelty! But "Germany for the Germans" is an
axiom before which all must bow, big and little, rich and poor.
December 10, 1898. [15]
Mr. Chamberlain's coquetting with Germany has ceased for the time
being. _The Times_, in contrast with its former hymns of praise, now
contents itself with asking William II not to make difficulties for
England in Europe or beyond the seas, and it adds that a friendly
attitude would serve the interests of German subjects in the Colonies
much better than one of hostility.
The passage in the German Emperor's Speech from the Throne which refers
to China is not calculated, it would seem, to appease Great Britain's
irritation. "Germany's Colonies," said the Kaiser, "are in a state of
prosperous development. At Kiao-chao steps have already been taken to
improve the economic conditions of the protectorate. The frontier has
been definitely settled by agreement with the Chinese Government. A
free port has been opened and work upon it has begun. The construction
of the railway which will link up the Protectorate with the Hinterland,
will be commenced in the near future. Relying on the old treaties
still in force, and on the new rights acquired under the treaty
concluded with China on March 6, 1898, my Government will also
endeavour in future, whils