ll be
surprised to learn how much remains to be done. I need not tell you that
every dollar intrusted to me will be spent, and I hope you will live to
see the result of your generosity.
"I wish to build at least fifteen churches and school-houses before the
cold weather sets in. The cost of building has been greatly lessened by
employing native workmen, who are capable of designing and erecting
simple edifices. The pulpits will be supplied by native preachers, and
the expense of light and heat will be paid by the congregation.
"We have at least twenty-five well-qualified native teachers, who will
require no salary beyond the necessary expense of food and clothing.
"A few boarding-houses must be built and tastefully furnished. We have a
large number of Laughing Dog widows, who would gladly take charge of
such establishments.
"The native committee will make a careful selection of such matrons as
are most capable of guiding and encouraging young people.
"All money for the benefit of these people has been used with the
strictest economy; and will be while I retain the agency. I have secured
a slender provision for my declining years, and shall return to spend my
days with my adopted people.
"But I will let these men who once owned this great country speak for
themselves. Flying Deer, who will now address you, is about forty years
of age. He lives with his wife and ten children near the agency, at a
place called Humanketchet."
Flying Deer came forward and spoke very distinctly, though rapidly.
"O hoo bree-gutchee, gumme maw choo kibbe showain nemeshin. Dawmasse
choochugah goo waugh; kawboo. Nokka brewis goo, honowin nudwag moonoo
shugh kawmun menjeis. Babas kwasind waugh muskoday, wawa gessonwon goo.
Nahna naskeen oza yenadisse mayben mudjo, kenemoosha. Wawconassee
nushka kahgagoo, jossahut, wabenas ogu winemon jabs. Ahmuck wana
wayroossen chooponnuk segwan maysen. Opeechee annewayman, kewadoda
shenghen kad goo tagamengow."
"He says, my friends, that he has always loved and trusted the white
people. He says that since he has seen the great cities and towns of the
East, he loves his white brothers more than before. His red brothers,
White Crow and the Rock on End, wish him to say that they also love you.
He says the savage Gray Wolf tribe threaten to shoot and scalp them if
they continue friendly to the whites. He asks for powder, guns, and
ponies, that they may defend themselves from their enemies. He want