plans more depts. of war work, reaffirms loyalty to Govt
and support of its war measures, 543;
all officers of Natl. Assn. in service, 555;
Oversea Hospitals, 558, 568;
mass meeting in Washtn, 564;
reports of War Coms, 1918, Mrs. McCormick's chapter on, refutes
charges of "antis", 560; 574;
Natl. Assn. first organized body of women to offer services to Govt;
President accepts and calls upon suff. leaders to cooperate, 578;
patriotism where women vote, 579;
see Chap. XXIV, 720;
Mrs. Catt calls Exec. Council of Natl. Assn. to Washtn, 720;
board of officers submits plan for aiding the Govt, which is
discussed and adopted, 722;
depts. of work, 723;
mass meeting held and plan sent to Pres. Wilson by Secy. of War
Baker; he expresses approval and assn. begins its work, 724-5;
Dr. Shaw, its hon. pres, appt. by Council of Natl. Defense chmn.
of Woman's Com, which is named, 726-7;
assn. makes Mrs. McCormick genl. chmn. of its War Service Dept,
reports of heads to natl. suff. conv. of 1917, 727-730;
to conv. of 1919, 730-732;
report of Oversea Hospitals, 732-734;
to conv. of 1920, 734-5;
women's war work in N. Y. obtains the suff. for them, 737;
work of suits, on Woman's Com. of Council of Natl. Defense, 737;
its work ended, Secy. Baker's tribute, 739;
heroic record, 740.
Washington City, entertains natl. suff. conv. of 1904, 86;
of 1910, 266;
of 1913, 364;
of 1915, 439;
of 1917, under war conditions, 513;
distinguished recep. com, 515.
Washington, State, wom. suff. amend, carried, xx;
how women were disfranchised when Territory, 257;
adopts constitl. amend, for wom. suff, 310;
Dr. Shaw's comment;
reports from State officers, 317;
natl. conv. sends greetings, 328; 625.
Waterman, Julia T, opp. wom. suff, 363.
Watson, Elizabeth Lowe, tells of Calif. victory, 317.
Watson, U. S. Sen. James E, chmn. Senate Wom. Suff. Com, 645-6;
at Natl. Repub. Conv. 1920, 717.
Watson-Lister, Mrs. A, tells of wom. suff. in Australia, 91, 111.
Watterson, Col. Henry, 329.
Way, Amanda, 132.
Weaver, Ida M, 52.
Webb, U. S. Rep. Edwin Y. (N. C.), 307; 434;
chmn. Judic. Com, 469;
tells suffs. they should not come "bothering" Congress, 472;
says there will be no wom. suff. plank in Dem. platform, 476;
tries to prevent Wom. S