edicine Co.
Piso's Remedy
Planten's Capsules
Plexo Toilet Cream
Poland Water
Pozzoni's Complexion Powder
"Queen Bess" Perfume
Razor Stropper, "Meehan's"
Rex Bitters
Riker's Tooth Powder
Rossman's Pile Cure
Salted Peanuts
Samurai Perfumes
Sandholm's Skin Lotion
Sanford's Inks
"Sanitas," Disinfectant
Scheffler's Hair Colorine
Seguin et Cie
Sharp & Smith
Shoes for the Lame
Shoulder Braces
Simplex Vaporizers
Skidoo Soap
Soaps, Stiefel's Medicinal
Solo Rye
Sorority Girl Toilet Requisites
Stiefel's Medicinal Soaps
St. Jacob's Oil
Strong's Arnica Jelly
Strong's Arnica Tooth Soap
Sweet Babee Nursing Bottle
Tailoring for Men
Tanglefoot Fly Paper
Toilet Paper
Tooth Brushes
Tyrrell's Hygienic Institute
Villacabras Mineral Water
Virgin Oil of Pine
Whittemore's Polishes
Wright's Catarrhal Balm
Wright's Rheumatic Remedy
Young's Victoria Cream
Manners and Customs of Good Society
It is a growing custom in America not to announce an engagement until
the date of the marriage is approximately settled. Long engagements are
irksome to both man and woman, and a man is generally not supposed to
ask a girl to marry him until he is able to provide a home for her.
This, however, does not prevent long friendships between young couples
or a sentimental understanding growing up between them, and it is during
this period that they learn to know each other and find out if they are
suited for a life's partnership.
When a "young man goes a-courting" it generally means that he has some
particular girl in mind whom he has singled out as the object of his
devotion. A man a-courting is generally on his best behavior, and many a
happily married wife looks back on her courting days as the most
delightful of her life. At that time the woman is the object of a
devotion to which she has as yet conceded nothing. She is still at
liberty to weigh and choose, to compare her lover to other men, while
the knowledge that she is the ultimate girl that some man is trying to
win gives her a pretty sense of self-importance and a feeling that she
has come into the heritage of womanhood.
Whether it is one of the fictions about courtship or not, it is
generally assumed that a young woman is longer in making up her mind
than is the young man. When a man finds the right girl he is pretty apt
to know it, and it is hi