intercourse. In Paris and the different parts of France the
manifestations have been almost of every kind, and of the most decisive
and distinguished character. "Great numbers of persons have been cured
by therapeutic mediums," writes William Howitt, "of diseases and injuries
incurable by all ordinary means. Some of these persons are well known to
me, and are every day bearing their testimony in aristocratic society."
Writing thus, Mr. Howitt defines Spiritualism "as the great theologic and
philosophic reformer of the age; the great requickener of religious life;
the great consoler and establisher of hearts; the great herald to the
wanderers of earth starved upon the husks of mere college dogmas." "I
believe," says Mr. C. Hall, "that as it now exists, Spiritualism has
mainly but one purpose--to confute and destroy Materialism, by supplying
sure, and certain, and _palpable_ evidence that to every human being God
gives a soul, which He ordains shall not perish when the body dies."
This, as good old Isaak Walton says, in narrating Dr. Donne's Vision,
"this is a relation that will beget some wonder; and it well may, for
most of our world are at present possessed with an opinion that miracles
and visions are ceased."
What is Spiritualism? Ask its opponents. They regard it as necromancy,
a practice not only forbidden under the Old Testament, but which even in
the New we find classed by St. Paul under the general denomination of
witchcraft, with such works of the flesh as idolatry, murder, adultery,
and drunkenness, concerning all of which the Apostle Paul adds the solemn
declaration (Gal. v. 19-21), "That they which do such things shall not
inherit the kingdom of God." Such undoubtedly is the feeling entertained
with regard to Spiritualism by the great majority of orthodox Christians,
who are quite satisfied by Scripture testimony, who accept what they
think God has revealed to them in His Book, and who seek or require
nothing more. In a weak but well-meaning work just put into my hands
("Spiritualism and other Signs") I read: "The whole system is essentially
opposed to faith in, and walking with, Jesus Christ, and the Spiritualist
knows it." The writer quotes the well-known text: "Now the Spirit
speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the
faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking
lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron." A