o begin to
recollect with greater and greater clearness what they have seen and
heard on the other planes during sleep.
Having now to some extent cleared our ground, we may proceed to
consider the various phenomena of clairvoyance.
They differ so widely both in character and in degree that it is not
very easy to decide how they can most satisfactorily be classified. We
might, for example, arrange them according to the kind of sight
employed--whether it were mental, astral, or merely etheric. We might
divide them according to the capacity of the clairvoyant, taking into
consideration whether he was trained or untrained; whether his vision
was regular and under his command, or spasmodic and independent of his
volition; whether he could exercise it only when under mesmeric
influence, or whether that assistance was unnecessary for him; whether
he was able to use his faculty when awake in the physical body, or
whether it was available only when he was temporarily away from that
body in sleep or trance.
All these distinctions are of importance, and we shall have to take
them all into consideration as we go on, but perhaps on the whole the
most useful classification will be one something on the lines of that
adopted by Mr. Sinnett in his _Rationale of Mesmerism_--a book, by the
way, which all students of clairvoyance ought to read. In dealing with
the phenomena, then, we will arrange them rather according to the
capacity of the sight employed than to the plane upon which it is
exercised, so that we may group instances of clairvoyance under some
such headings as these:
1. Simple clairvoyance--that is to say, a mere opening of sight,
enabling its possessor to see whatever astral or etheric entities
happen to be present around him, but not including the power of
observing either distant places or scenes belonging to any other time
than the present.
2. Clairvoyance in space--the capacity to see scenes or events removed
from the seer in space, and either too far distant for ordinary
observation or concealed by intermediate objects.
3. Clairvoyance in time--that is to say, the capacity to see objects
or events which are removed from the seer in time, or, in other words,
the power of looking into the past or the future.
We have defined this as a mere opening of etheric or astral sight,
which enables the possessor to see whatever may be present around him
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