ces of, by Jaures, 152-153;
the battle between Bakounin and, 154 ff.;
annoyance and humiliation of, by victory of Bakouninists at Basel
congress, 168-169;
bitter attack made on Bakounin and his circle by, 169-170;
motives of, in destroying the International by moving seat of General
Council to New York, 191-192;
Bismarck's attempt to corrupt, 210;
view held by, of the State and its functions, 257;
quoted on "parliamentary cretinism," 261-262;
battles of workingmen fought on lines laid down by, 338;
immensity of task actually executed by, 344-356.
Merlino, Italian anarchist, 81.
Michel, Louise, French anarchist, 60.
Milwaukee, character of special police employed during molders' strike
in, 286-287.
Mine Owners' Association, anarchism of, in Colorado, 304-311.
Moll, Joseph, 132, 137.
Molly Maguires, an organization of Irishmen which pursued terrorist
tactics, 100.
Most, Johann, a product of Bismarck's man-hunting policy and legal
tyranny, 56;
the Freiheit of, 57, 65;
brings terrorist ideas of Bakounin and Nechayeff to America, 64-65;
early history of, 65-66;
Emma Goldman's description of, 67;
effect of agitation and doctrines of, on socialism in America, 67-68;
climax of theories of, reached in the Haymarket tragedy, Chicago,
article on "Revolutionary Principles" by, 69-70;
history of terrorist tactics in America centers about career of, 74;
responsibility of anti-socialist laws for misguided efforts and final
downfall of, 74-75;
ejected from socialist party for advocating violence in war with
Bismarck, 219-220.
Motor bandits, career of, in France, 88-89.
Museux, quoted on Ravachol, 82.
"Muzzle Bill," Bismarck's, 221.
National Brothers, the, 12-14.
Nechayeff, Sergei, young Russian revolutionist, 16;
collaboration of, with Bakounin, 16 ff.;
question of share of "Words Addressed to Students" and "The
Revolutionary Catechism" to be attributed to, 22;
activities of, in Russia, 22-23;
murder of Iwanoff by, 23;
quarrels with Bakounin, steals his papers, and flees to London, 23;
subsequent career and death, 25-26.
Nobiling, Dr. Karl, 55, 214.
O'Brien, J. B., 130.
O'Connor, Feargus, 130, 353.
Orchard, Harry, crimes of, paid for by detective agencies, 307-310.
Owen, Robert, 130;
utopian socialism of, 144;
in the Webbs' critique of, the economic fallacies of syndicalism are
revealed, 260-