relations between Bismarck and, 210.
Legien, Carl, quoted on French labor movement, 243.
Le Vin, detective, quoted on character of special police, 286.
Levine, Louis, "The Labor Movement in France" by, quoted, 244.
Liebknecht, Wilhelm, quoted on Marx's opposition to insurrection led by
Herwegh, 158;
mentioned, 205, 209-210;
efforts of Bismarck to corrupt, 211;
persecution of, by Bismarck, 211-212;
frank statement of republican principles by, 212-213;
quoted on defeat of Bismarck by socialists, 226;
quoted as in favor of State-socialist propositions in Germany, 256.
Lincoln, Abraham, ideal of the labor movement as expressed by, 152.
Lingg, Louis, Chicago anarchist, 70, 95.
Lombroso, on corrective measures to be used with anarchists, 96-97;
on the complicity of criminality and politics, 109.
Lovett, William, 130.
Luccheni, Italian assassin, 87.
Lynchings, an explanation given for, 107, 108.
Lyons, unsuccessful insurrection at, in 1870, 28-35.
McDowell, Malcomb, on character of deputy marshals in Chicago railway
strike, 300-301.
McKinley, President, assassination of, 75, 88.
McNamaras, the, 318, 324.
Mafia, the, an organization of Italians which pursues terrorist
tactics, 100.
Malatesta, Enrico, Italian revolutionist, 43-44, 49, 51.
Manufacturers' Association, lawless work of the, 318.
Mariana, Jesuit who upheld assassination of tyrants, 98, 99.
Marx, Karl, view of Bakounin held by, 7;
meeting of Bakounin and, 9;
assailed by Bakounin upon latter's entrance into the
International, 15-16;
quoted on the insurrection at Lyons in 1870, 35-36;
on Bakounin's "abolition of the State," 36;
on the Commune of Paris, 37;
education and early career of, 132-134;
the Communist Manifesto, 137-141;
resignation of, from central council of Communist League, 141-142;
gives evidence of perception of lack of revolutionary promise in
sectarian organizations, secret societies, and political
conspiracies, 142;
gigantic intellectual labors of, in laying foundations of a
scientific socialism, 143;
the International launched by, 145-146;
essence of socialism of, in Preamble of the Provisional Rules of the
International, 147-148;
statement of idea of, as to revolutionary character of political
activity, 149-150;
immense work of, in connection with the International, and publishing
of "Capital" by, 152;
summing up of servi