ts pride and vanity, its frivolity and ungodliness, seem
less obnoxious to you than it has heretofore? Does sin seem a lighter
thing to you than it used to? Does the Word of God take less hold upon
your conscience now than formerly? Is the voice of duty speaking in your
soul in the same clear terms as before? and does it find your soul as
ready to respond? Are the service and worship of God still so sweet and
satisfying? Is it your delight to give of your substance for the spread of
the gospel? or has covetousness, little by little, been working into your
heart until it has taken root there? Do you love material things less or
more than formerly? Is your consecration just as real and just as complete
as it was?
If you are coming short in any of these things, what has been the
influence that has worked to bring it about? Make a good, careful
examination of the situation. If you have been drifting, beware lest your
heart be entirely turned away from the Lord. Find out what influences are
working. Watch and defend your heart against them; overcome their
influences; counteract their powers; stand for God. It is only in this way
that you can serve him to the end faithfully, and that you can be
triumphant when the call comes for you to stand before his presence.
Paul said, "Fight the good fight of faith." This world is a battle-ground
of spiritual forces. If we are spiritual beings, it is impossible that we
should hold ourselves neutral and stand apart from those forces that are
in conflict. We must stand on one side or the other of the battle array.
Jesus has said, "He that is not with me is against me." Since we must be
in the conflict whether we will to be or not, it behooves us to be on the
right side. When we know that we are on the right side, then the thing of
greatest importance to us is the method of our warfare. Since we wrestle
not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers of
evil, it is not strange that our weapons should be "not carnal" weapons,
which are effective against material foes, but those spiritual weapons
that are "mighty through God."
One great outstanding fact in this battle of life is that it is
necessarily a battle of faith. As I observe some people's methods of
trying to fight this Christian warfare, it seems to me that they are
rather fighting the fight of unbelief, or of doubts. Instead of being