Nor can those evil angels
that hate God and hate us separate between us and his love. Even Satan
himself, their leader and master, has not power to come between us and the
love of God. Ah, soul, do not be afraid. Satan has no knife sharp enough
to cut that love. He has no strength to tear its tendrils out of our
hearts. He can not burn those cords that hold us. Even all his legions can
not touch that love, if we trust it and trust ourselves in God's keeping.
Then he says, "Nor things present." O my brother, sister, do you believe
that? Do you believe that the things of this hour, whatever they may be,
can not separate you from the love of God? "Things present." How many
things there are present. How many things there are that press in upon us!
How many discouragements there are in life! How many perplexities! How
many things that trouble! How many things that would draw us away! Yet, if
we keep our trust in God, none of these things will be able to separate us
from his love. None of these things will make him turn his back upon us.
"Nor things to come." Do you look into the future with dread? Do you see
with forebodings the things that appear there? Do you think, "How shall I
ever pass through it? How shall I ever overcome?" Ah, those things that
are ahead of you can not separate you from God's love. That love is going
to securely hold you through them all. That love is going to be your
strength and your safeguard, your hope and your all. Cast away your
forebodings. Look to God with confidence until the confidence of Paul
enters your soul and you can say with the same assurance that he did, "I
am persuaded."
Again, he says, "Nor height, nor depth." It matters not if God is in
heaven, high above us. It matters not if he is so great, so majestic, so
powerful. His height above us shall not prevent his love from reaching us
and holding us up. "Nor depth." It matters not to what depth we sink,
whether it be depths of discouragement or depths of fear or depths in the
feeling of our own helplessness. It matters not if God is very high and we
are very low, if he is very great and we are very small; our depth shall
not separate us from his height. His love will bridge the gulf.
O soul, trust in that love. Rely upon it. It will never fail you. It will
securely hold you in the gales of life. Tribulation or distress or
persecution or famine or nakedness or perils or storms--none of these
things shall be able to separate you f