XII. A letter from Manuel the Emperour of Constantinople vnto Henrie the
second, King of England. Recorded by Roger Houeden.
XXIII. The Life and Trauailes of Balwinus Deuonius, sometime Archbishop of
XXIV. An annotation concerning the said Baldwine, taken out of Giraldus
XXV. A note touching Sir Frederike Tilney.
XXVI. The trauailes of Richard Canonicus.
XXVII. The large contribution to the succour of the Holy Land made by King
John of England. 1201.
XXVIII. The trauailes of Hubert Walter, bishop of Salisburie.
XXIX. The trauailes of Robert Curson.
XXX. The voyage of Ranulph Earle of Chester and others to the Holy Land.
XXXI. The voyage of Henry Bohun and Saer Quincy to the Holy Land.
XXXII. The trauailes of Ranulph Glanuile, Earle of Chester.
XXXIII. The voyage of Petrus de Rupibus, Bishop of Winchester, to
Jerusalem. 1231.
XXXIV. The voyage of Richard Earle of Cornewall. into Syria.
XXXV. The voyage of William Longespee into Asia. 1248.
XXXVI. The voyage of Prince Edward into Asia. 1170.
XXXVII. The Trauaile of Robert Turneham.
XXXVIII. The Life of Sir John Mandeville, written by Master Bale.
XXXIX. The Tomb and Epitaph of Sir John Mandeville from Ortelius.
XL. Tabula Libri Joannis Mandevil.
XLI. Liber Joannis Mandevil de Turcia, Armenia, AEgypto, Lybia, Syria,
Arabia, Persia, Chaldaea, Tartaria, India, et infinitis insulis
civitatibus et locis.
The English version begins.
I. Mandeville's voyage continued.
II. Richardi Hakluyti brevis admonitio ad lectorem.
III. Verba C. Plinii secundi.
IV. Plinius de Scythis.
V. Anthony Beck Bishop of Durisme made Patriarch of Hierusalem from Leland.
VI. Itinerarium fratris Odorici.
1 His journey from Pera to Thana.
2 Of the maners of the Chaldaeans and of India.
3 How pepper is had and where it groweth.
4 Of a strange idol &c.
5 Of certaine trees yielding meale, hony, and poyson.
6 Of the abundance of fishes, &c.
7 Of the island of Sylan and of the mountain where Adam mourned for
8 Of Upper India, &c.
9 Of the city Fuco.
10 Of a monastery where many strange beastes doe live.
11 Of the city of Cambaleth.
12 Of the Glory of the great Can.
13 Of certain innes or hospitals, &c.
14 Of the four feasts which the Great Can solemnizeth.
15 Of divers provinces and cities.