301.6:9 That mi/chieuous mi/chance his life & limbes did /pare.
301.14:9 Saue Beares, Lions, & Buls, which romed them around.
301.28:9 Then to the next /he rode, & downe the next did beare.
301.53:2 With /ighes, and /obs, and plaints, & piteous griefe,
301.56:9 With whom he meant to make his /port & courtly play.
301.58:8 Where through long watch, & late dayes weary toile,
301.58:9 She /oundly /lept, & carefull thoughts did quite a//oile.
301.67:9 They tooke their /teeds, & forth vp{o~} their iourney went.
303.2:9 Which the late world admyres for wondrous monim{e~}ts.
303.7:9 When /o he coun/eld with his /prights enc{o~}pa/t round.
303.60:9 Both /peare & /hield of great powre, for her purpo/e fit.
303.61:9 Them/elues they forth conuayd, & pa//ed forward right.
304.8:9 Which in the/e troubled bowels raignes, & rageth rife.
304.15:9 Decline her head, & touch her crouper with her crowne.
304.38:9 To /ee friends graue, th{e~} dead the graue /elfe to engro//e.
304.46:1 Through thick and thin, through mountaines & through plains,
304.46:2 Tho/e two great ch{a~}pions did attonce pur/ew
305.3:9 Thicke fore/t, was be/cratcht, & both his feet nigh lame.
305.33:9 She with her /carfe did bind the wound fr{o~} cold to keepe.
306.4:6 The/e two were twinnes, & twixt them two did /hare
306.29:2 Where mo/t /he wonnes, wh{e~} /he on earth does dwel.
306.43:9 Threw forth mo/t dainty odours, & mo/t /weet delight.
306.44:8 That nether _Ph{oe}bus_ beams could through th{e~} throng,
307.21:2 With herbs, with charms, with co{u~}/ell, & with teares,
309.10:9 And threatned him with force & puni/hment extreme.
309.15:9 Confounds both land & /eas, and skyes doth ouerca/t.
309.16:9 Then drew he his bright /word, & gan about him throw.
309.18:9 Though nought beleu'd, & entra{u~}ce late did not refu/e.
309.48:3 Whom hauing /laine, through luckles arrowes gla{u~}ce
309.48:9 And great adu{e~}tures found, that now were l{o~}g to /ayne.
309.49:9 That fed on liuing fle/h, & druncke mens vitall blood.
311.36:9 Yet was thy loue her death, & her death was thy /mart.
311.46:1 Kings Queenes, Lords Ladies, Knights & Damzels gent
311.51:9 For loue in thou/and m{o~}/trous formes doth oft appeare.
311.52:6 Their /werds & /peres were broke, & hauberques rent;
312.9:9 That /oone they life conceiu'd, & forth in flames did fly.
In five places, the ligatured "ss" is used. This resembles an overlarge
Greek beta, and is s