177, 348;
in ruins, 204, 216;
materials for Mahdi's tomb from, 276;
the Batahin tribe and, 315, 320;
Neufeld at, 357, 359;
survivors of, 372.
Khatafin (snatchers) in Omdurman, 286-8.
Khojali, 130, 219, 317.
Khojur, the, in Dar Nuba, 4, 24, 26, 28.
Khor Musa, fort at, 259.
Kirkesawi (slave-dealer), 176, 236, 406.
Kitchener Pasha, 359;
wounded at Handub, 267.
Klein, tailor, of Khartum, 140-1.
Klootz, Gustav, 80-5, 88, 91, 93, 96, 109, 120, 174-5, 206, 348, 411;
death of, 219.
Korbatsh, Mount, 34, 179, 200.
Kordofan, 199, 234, 380, 398;
deserts of, 2-3;
military stations in, 11-2;
the Mahdi and, 20, 28;
mountains, 34;
exports from, 35-6;
camels in, 35-6, 72;
agriculture in, 378-9.
Korosko, 257, 442-3.
Korsi, 68.
Kudru hill, 32.
Kumbo, King, 98-9, 117-8.
Kuran, the, concerning ministers of Christianity, 104-6;
first chapter in, 296.
Kurun hill, 3.
Lado Station, 272, 384.
Languages in the Sudan provinces, 283.
Laws made by the Mahdi, 17-20, 61-3.
Lead, manufacture of, at Omdurman, 368-70.
Legnani (Italian consul), 1.
Leontides, Consul N., 126, 134, 140.
Lime, near Delen, 5;
pits in Omdurman, 205, 276.
Limona, Bianca, 57.
Locatelli (missionary), 54, 56-7.
Locusts, plague of, in the Sudan, 291.
Losi, Father Johann, 54, 58.
Lugard, Captain, 271.
Lupton Bey, 153, 175-7, 191, 202, 348, 412-3;
death of, 366.
Madibbo, sheikh, 235;
son of, 396.
Mahbas, wells of, 233.
Mahdi, the, _see_ "Mohammed Ahmed."
Mahdiism, belief in, 185;
and Egypt, 265;
in the Sudan, 255, 273, 326, 328, 403, 449;
and the slave trade, 382-6.
Mahdiist kingdom, agriculture and commerce in, 376-86.
Mahmud Wad Ahmed, 240-1, 247-9.
Mail, capture of an English, 120.
Makada tribe, 241.
Makani village, 428.
Makbul dollar, the, in Omdurman, 210-4.
Makias (chains), 345-6.
Makin Wad en Nur, 260, 350.
Manoli, a Greek, 142.
_Mansureh_, steamer, 127.
Marcopoli Bey, 2, 73.
Mariani, Gabriel, 5, 41, 48.
Marissa (a kind of beer), 4;
the Mahdi and drinking of, 61, 330, 340.
Market at Omdurman, 282, 339.
Marquet, 2.
Marriage ceremonies in the Sudan, 17-8, 341-3, 389-90.
Masalit, Sultan of, 213; people, 237.
Mecca, pilgrimage to, 278-9, 448;
the Mah