ake, 241.
Chincarini, Sister C., 413-45.
Clementino, George, 126, 142.
Clothing in the Mahdi's kingdom, 381.
Coins in Omdurman, 210-13.
Comboni, Bishop, 1, 2, 24;
grave of, at Khartum, 150.
Combotti, Marietta, 118.
Comet, a wonderful, 44.
Commerce in the Mahdiist kingdom, 376-85.
Corsi, Sister Concetta, 57, 419.
Cripples in Omdurman, 337.
Curios, museum of, at Omdurman, 213.
Cuzzi, Joseph, 120, 125-6.
Dabarosa bazaar, the, 258.
Dabra Sin, battle of, 229.
Dair, Jebel, 3.
Damur, pieces of cloth, 381-2;
used as coins, 210.
Danagla, _see_ "Dongola."
Dara, 93.
Dar Fertit, singers from, 301.
Darfur, 12, 35;
Slatin Bey, Governor of, 2;
the Mahdi conquers, 93-4, 98;
historical sketch of, 234-41;
Zogal and, 201-3;
revolt in, 260, 387;
horses in, 308;
women and spinning, 381;
slaves from, 384.
Dar Homr (Arabs), 11, 20, 35, 106, 301, 309, 396.
Dar Nauli tribe of Arabs, 106.
Dar Nuba, _see_ "Nuba."
Dar Shaggieh, 380.
Dead, the Mahdi's law about the, 19.
Debaineh tribe, 290.
Degheim tribe, 14.
Delen, arrival at, 3;
Mission at, 4, 5;
news of the Mahdi at, 7, 8;
description of, 23-31;
quicksilver at, 35, 178, 187, 197.
Dervishes, the Mahdi's, 45;
at El Obeid, 57-9;
and Hicks Pasha's army, 88;
in Khartum, 140;
and Olivier Pain, 173;
revolt against, 189-200;
at Galabat, 217-9;
review of, at Omdurman, 225-6;
and tobacco chewing, 276;
and the famine in Omdurman, 289;
at Fashoda, 384.
Dhurra in Omdurman, 285, 378, 381.
Dichtl, Johann, 1.
Dinka tribe, 176.
Disease in the Sudan, 386.
Dispensary at Omdurman, 213.
Dobab mountain, 3, 102.
Dogman mountain, 24, 28.
Dogs, Mahdi's doctrine about, 143, 335.
Doka, Sheikh Egeil and, 219.
Dome to Mahdi's tomb at Omdurman, 275, 277.
Dongola, 12, 14, 35, 94, 127, 163, 172, 178, 190, 255, 256, 257-65,
268, 312, 380, 384, 387, 391, 396, 399, 449;
famine in, 290;
language, 283.
Doorway of the Mahdi's tomb, 277.
Dreams, the Mahdi and, 110-1, 353, 449.
Drums of the Mahdi's Khalifas, 15, 44, 47, 281, 304-6.
Dud Benga, Sultan, 184.
Duem, 126;
General Hicks at, 76.
Dwarf, a, at Rahad, 110.
Ed Din, Sheikh, _see_ "Osman, Khalifa."
Egeil, sheikh, 218-9, 221.
Egypt, and