s, 188;
his textbook on artillery, _ib_.;
friendship with Zeltners, 188, 190-192, 198, 199, 201;
his conditions for Poland's restoration, 190, 192;
life in France until Napoleon's fall, 190, 191;
Emilia Zeltner and, 190, 191, 198, 199, 201;
relations with Alexander I, 191, 201;
pleads for Poland with Alexander, 191-195, 197;
promise of Alexander to, 193;
sent for by Czartoryski, 193;
journey to Austria, 193, 194;
interview with Czartoryski, 194;
letter to Czartoryski, 195, 196;
fulfilment of his predictions regarding Poland, 196;
writes to Grey, _ib_.;
Grey's answer to, 196, 197;
retires from public life, 197;
last years, 197-201;
love of children and youth, 198;
love of poor, 198, 199, 201;
corresponds with Princess di Carignano, 199, 200;
correspondence with Jane Porter, 200;
interest in education, 200, 201;
death, 201;
last resting place, _ib_.;
the hill of, 201, 202;
Polish cult of, 202;
his refutation of _Finis Poloniae_, 202, 203.
Kosciuszko, Tekla,
relations with husband, 25;
character, 26;
death, 30
Krasinska, Franciszka, 200
Krushtzov, 162
acquaintance with Kosciuszko and Pulaski, 40
Landor, Walter Savage, Kosciuszko and, 175
Laurens, 47
Lebrun, relations with Kosciuszko, 90, 187
Lee, Harry, on Kosciuszko, 49
Libiszewsld, 173-175, 177
Louis Philippe, visits Kosciuszko, 180
Louis XVI,
recognizes United States, 38;
execution, 89, 90, 119
Lubomirska, Ludwika, and Kosciuszko, 33-35. 51. 59. 163, 199
Madalinski, 96, 108, 109, 134, 142, 143
Marek. Father, 130
Marie, Empress of Russia, 172
McDougall, on Kosciuszko, 41
Mickiewicz, Adam,
on patriotism, 23;
his poetry, 60;
his _Pan Tadeusz_, 70, 202
in Rising, 113, 150;
Kosciuszko's letters to, 115, 122, 148
Montpensier, de, 180
Napoleon I,
Polish legions and, 182, 183, 186, 187. 189;
betrays Poland, 183, 187;
enthusiasm of Poles for, 183, 189;
relations with Kosciuszko, 186-190;
becomes first consul, 187;
becomes emperor, 188;
victory at Jena, _ib_.;
summons Poles to banner, 188, 189;
on Kosciuszko, 190;
his victories, _ib_.;
marches on Paris, 193.
Nicholas, I, of Russia, 196
Niemcewicz, Julian,
friendship with Kosciuszko, 50, 51, 61, 105, 144, 160, 165, 170;
patriot and poet, 51, 61;
in Florence, 94;
Kosciuszko's companion in Rising, 105, 143, 144, 150, 153-156