10 to be the cost of a license to a person travelling
on foot; L10 for every horse, ass, mule, or other beast of burden; L5
for every other beast; L50 for a decked vessel; L40 for every boat; and
for every non-resident of the province L50 a year; an Act providing a
salary of L500 a year for a Provincial Agent in Great Britain, to
correspond with the Governor and with the Speakers of the Legislative
Assembly and Legislative Council, who was to be removed on addresses
from the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly; an Act granting
L6,000 to His Majesty for the use of common schools; to the Home
District L600 annually; to the District of Newcastle L400; to the
Midland District L1,000; to the District of Johnstown L600; to the
Eastern District L800; to the London District L600; to the Gore
District L600; to the Niagara District L600; to the Western District
L600; and to the Ottawa District L200; an Act granting L21,000 for the
building and repairing of bridges and for the repairing of highways; an
Act granting L1,000 to defray the expenses of any commission for
ascertaining titles to lands in the Niagara District; and an Act to
repeal and amend part of an Act for laying out and repairing the public
[31] Gourlay, page 512, vol. 2.
[32] Gourlay, page 316, vol. 2.
Parliament was again assembled on the 4th of February, 1817, by
Governor Gore, during the session of which an Act was passed providing
for the representation of the commons of the counties of Wentworth and
Halton in parliament; also an Act to establish a police in the towns of
York, Sandwich, and Amherstburgh; an Act granting to His Majesty L2,578
for the administration of justice; L900 for the Lieutenant-Governor's
Office; L737 for the Office of the Receiver General; L2,300 for the
Surveyor General's Department; L650 for the Executive Council Office;
L36 for the Crown Office; L90 for the Attorney General's Office; L400
for the Secretary's Office; L200 for the Registrar of the Province;
L620 for the Inspector General's Office; L620 for pensions to wounded
officers; L400 for four clergymen; L50 for one minister of the Gospel;
L200 for repairs to Government House; and L500 for casual and
incidental expenses; an Act to establish a market in the town of
Niagara; an Act to repeal, amend and extend the Act granting pensions
to persons disabled in the service, and to the widows and children of
persons killed in war; an Act granting L1,576