LORD CHIEF-JUSTICE--He is studying and musing how he shall
prevaricate; but thou hadst better tell the truth, friend;
remember what thou hast said already; thou hast said that thou
didst tell that man, that the lady asked you, whether he knew
anything of the business, and thou toldest her, he did not? Now
I would know what that business was. [Still he made no answer,
but seemed to muse.]
LORD CHIEF-JUSTICE--Look thee, if thou canst not comprehend what
I mean, I will repeat it to thee again; for thou shalt see what
countryman I am,[58] by my telling my story over twice;
therefore I ask thee once again. Thou sayedst thy lady asked
thee, whether he knew of the business: and thou toldest her he
did not. Now let us know what that business was?
DUNNE--I cannot mind it, my lord, what it was.
LORD CHIEF-JUSTICE--But mind me, prithee: Thou didst tell that
honest man there, that my lady Lisle asked thee, whether he
knew anything of the business, and thou saidest no. What was
that business?
DUNNE--That business that Barter did not know of?
LORD CHIEF-JUSTICE--Yes, that is the business; be ingenuous,
tell the truth: Oh! how hard the truth is to come out of a lying
Presbyterian knave. Prithee, friend, consider the oath that thou
hast taken, and that thou art in the presence of a God that
cannot endure a lie, nor whose holiness will not admit him to
dispense with a lie; consider that that God is an infinite being
of purity, holiness and truth; and it would be inconsistent with
his being to dispense with the least untruth; and thou hast
called him to witness, that thou wouldest testify the truth, the
whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I charge thee,
therefore, as thou wilt answer it to that God of truth, and that
thou mayest be called to do, for aught I know, the very next
minute, and there thou wilt not be able to palliate the truth;
what was that business you and my lady spoke of?--[Then he
paused for half a quarter of an hour, and at last said--]
DUNNE--I cannot give an account of it, my lord.
Jeffreys continued for a long time to use and repeat every possible kind
of threat without being able to draw anything from Dunne; at last
LORD CHIEF-JUSTICE--Why, prithee, dost thou think thou dost thy
lady a kindness by this way of proceeding? Sure thou canst not