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ifferential coefficient of z_[rho] which enters in [Phi]_[sigma], say d^(k1 + ... + kn) z_[rho]/dx1^k1 ... dx_n^k_n, we have k1 < h_[rho] and k1 + ... + k_n <= h_[rho]. Let a1, ... an, b1, ... br, and b[rho]_(k1 ... kn) be a set of values of x1, ... x_n, z1, ... z_r and of the differential coefficients entering in [Phi]_[sigma] about which all the functions [Phi]1, ... [Phi]_r, are developable. Corresponding to each dependent variable z_[sigma], we take now a set of h_[sigma] functions of x2, ... xn, say [phi][sigma], [phi][sigma]^(1), ..., [phi][sigma]^(h-1) arbitrary save that they must be developable about a2, a3, ... an, and such that for these values of x2, ... xn, the function [phi]_[rho] reduces to b_[rho], and the differential coefficient d^(k2 + ... + kn) [phi]_[rho]^(k1)/dx2^k2 ... dx_n^kn reduces to b^kn_(k1 ... kn). Then the theorem is that there exists one, and only one, set of functions z1, ... z_r, of x2, ... x_n developable about a1, ... an satisfying the given differential equations, and such that for x1 = a1 we have z_[sigma] = [phi]_[sigma], dz_[sigma]/dx1 = [phi]_[sigma]^(1), ... d^(h_[sigma]-1) z_[sigma]/d^(h_[sigma]-1) x1 = [phi][sigma]^(h_[sigma]-1). And, moreover, if the arbitrary functions [phi]_[sigma], [phi]_[sigma]^(1) ... contain a certain number of arbitrary variables t1, ... tm, and be developable about the values t1^0, ... tm^0 of these variables, the solutions z1, ... zr will contain t1, ... tm, and be developable about t1^0, ... tm^0. Singular points of solutions. The proof of this theorem may be given by showing that if ordinary power series in x1 - -a1, ... xn - an, t1 - t1^0, ... tm - tm^0 be substituted in the equations wherein in z[sigma] the coefficients of (x1 - a1)^0, x1 - a1, ..., (x1 - a1)^(h_[sigma]-1) are the arbitrary functions [phi]_[sigma], [phi]_[sigma]^(1), ..., [phi]_[sigma]^h-1, divided respectively by 1, 1!, 2!, &c., then the differential equations determine uniquely all the other coefficients, and that the resulting series are convergent. We rely, in fact, upon the theory of monogenic analytical functions (see FUNCTION), a function being determined entirely by its development in the neighbourhood of one set of values of the independent variables, from which all its other values arise by _continuation_; it being of course understood that the coefficients in the differential equations are to be con
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