oniliger, 116
Anthus nilgirensis, 209
-- rufulus, 209
Aquila helica, 125
Arachnecthra asiatica, 210
-- lotenia, 212
-- minima, 211, 242
-- zeylonica, 212
Arboricola torqueola, 104, 126
Ardeola grayii, 231
Argul, 92
Arisaema jacque-montii, 53
Astur badius, 224
Babblers, 42 _seq._, 48, 107, 109, 111, 187, 236
Babul, 16
Bageswar, 23
Baker, Stuart, 84
Baldwin, 100
Banbakra, 45, 143
Barakheri stream, 20
Barbets, 26, 79, 121, 174 _seq._, 214, 243
Bar-wing, rufous, 110
Bee-eater, 27
Begonia, 17
Benog, 102
Berberry, 17
Bhabar, 15
Bhimraj, 55
Bhim Tal, 20
Bhotias, 23
Birch, 17
"Birds of Illinois and Wisconsin," 142
Birds of prey, 125
Blanford, 85
Blood-pheasant, 99
Blue jay, 27
Borax, 23
Boukotako, 85
Brachypodinae, 138
Brachypternus aurantius, 243
Brain-fever bird, 83, 86, 219
British Museum, 172
Broken Pekoe Bird, 85
Bulbul, 27, 35, 42, 49, 50 _seq._, 112, 138
Buller, Sir Walter, 171
Buntings, 72
Burma, 152
Bush-chat, 66 _seq._
Butcher-birds, 56
Caccabis chucar, 103
Calls of birds, 36
Campophaga melanoschista, 114
Cape, the, 18
CAPITONIDAE, 79, 121, 214, 243
Carpodacus erythrinus, 207
Catreus wellichi, 101
Centauria, 18, 25
Centropus sinensis, 219, 244
Cephalopyrus flammiceps, 48
Certhia discolor, 113
-- himalayana, 55
Ceryle lugubris, 79, 121
Chaetura indica, 216
-- nudipes, 123
Chakor, 103
Chalcophaps indica, 98
Chaptia aenea, 237
CHARADRIIDAE, 104, 126, 229, 246
Cheer, 100
Chimarrhornis leucocephalus, 69
Chloropsis malabarica, 191
Choughs, 25, 29, 30, 106
Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus, 83
Chrysocolaptes gutticristatus, 214, 242
Coccystes jacobinus, 219
Collocalia francicia, 217
-- fuciphaga, 217
Colorado, 18
Colt's-foot, 17, 25
COLUMBIDAE, 97, 125, 225, 246
Columbines, 17, 25
Coonoor, 186, 196, 199, 206 _seq._, 212, 214
Coppersmith, 26, 215
Copschychus saularis, 241
Coracias indica, 32
Corby, 26, 29
CORVIDAE, 29, 105, 185, 235
Corvus macrorhyncus, 29, 105, 185, 235
-- splendens, 29, 87
Coturnix communis, 102, 126
Coucal, 219
CRATEROPODIDAE, 42, 49, 107, 187, 236
Crateropus canorus, 188
Crow, 105, 235
-- black, 35
-- grey-necked, 22
-- jungle, 29
Cryptolopha Jerdoni, 148
-- xanthoschista, 5