utea, 110, 133
Lobelia excelsa, 197, 200
Lophophanes melanopterus, 41
Lophospizias trivirgatus, 224
Loriculus vernalis, 221, 245
Love-bird, 245
Machlolophus haplonotus, 186, 236
-- spilonotus, 106
-- xanthogenys, 40
Macropteryx coronata, 217
Macropygia tusalia, 99, 125
Madras, 212
Magpie, blue, 27, 30 _seq._
Magpie-robin, 22, 27
Maidenhair, 17
"Making of Species," 171
Malabar whistling-thrush, 154, 237
Mango, 16
Marshall, Colonel, 149
Megalaema marshallorum, 79, 121, 174
Megalaemas, 175, 178
Merula boulboul, 69, 118, 158
-- simillima, 204, 241
Microcichla scouleri, 117
Microperdix erythrorhynchus, 229, 246
Milvus govinda, 96, 125, 223, 245
-- melanotis, 96
Minla igneitincta, 111
Minivets, 58, 114, 198
Mohrhaita, 94
Molpastes, 138
-- bengalensis, 50
-- haemorrhous, 191, 237
-- leucogenys, 51, 112
Monal pheasant, 25
Monaul, 99
Moss, hanging, 17
Motacilla maderaspatensis, 208
-- melanope, 75
MOTACILLIDAE, 75, 119, 208, 242
Mountain-thrush, 118
Munia, 205
Murree, 56, 59, 78, 146
MUSCICAPIDAE, 62, 114, 200, 240
Mussoorie, 26, 42, 45, 49, 59, 86, 89, 94, 97, 103, 136
Mycerobas, 164
-- melanoxanthus, 164
Myna, 22, 27, 37, 44, 60, 199, 240
Myiophoneus horsfieldi, 237
-- temmincki, 46, 109, 154
Naini Tal, 20, 33, 42, 46, 51, 53, 56, 59, 64 _seq._, 75 _seq._, 86,
94, 146, 149, 158, 163
NECTARINIDAE, 76, 119, 210, 242
Neophron ginginianus, 90, 222, 245
Nepalese, 23
New Zealand, 171
Nightjars, 218
Nilgiris, 37, 42
-- common birds of the, 183
Nilkhant, 31
Niltava grandis, 115
-- macgrigoriae, 115
-- sundara, 64, 115
Nim, 16
Nucifraga hemispila, 39
-- multipunctata, 39
Nutcrackers, 38
Nuthatch, 42, 52, 113, 195
Oak, 17
-- forest, 24
Oates, 133, 146, 148, 206, 208
Ochromela nigrirufa, 201, 240
Oology of cuckoos, 84
Ootacamund 186, 206 _seq._, 219, 221, 230 _seq._
Orchid, 18
Oreicola ferrea, 66
Oreocincla dauma, 70
-- molissima, 118
-- nilgirensis, 205
Oreocorys sylvanus, 75, 119
Oriental region, 28
Orioles, 59, 199
ORIOLIDAE, 59, 199, 239
Oriolus kundoo, 59, 165, 199
-- melanocephalus, 165, 199, 239
Orthotomus sartorius, 145, 196, 238
Otocompsa, 138, 147
-- emeria, 50
-- fuscicaudata, 192, 237
Otogyps calvus, 222, 245
Ouzel, 118
-- grey-winged, 69, 158 _seq._
Owlets, spotted, 27
Owls, 88, 12