of Commerce; Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union [CHEUNG
Man-kwong, president]; Neighborhood and Workers' Service Center or
NWSC (pro-democracy); The Alliance [Bernard CHAN, exco member]
numerous religious or militant/chauvinistic organizations,
including Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal, and Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh; various separatist groups seeking greater
communal and/or regional autonomy, including the All Parties
Hurriyat Conference in the Kashmir Valley and the National Socialist
Council of Nagaland in the Northeast
political pressure groups conduct most of Iran's political
activities; groups that generally support the Islamic Republic
include Ansar-e Hizballah, Muslim Students Following the Line of the
Imam, Tehran Militant Clergy Association (Ruhaniyat), Islamic
Coalition Party (Motalefeh), and Islamic Engineers Society; active
pro-reform student groups include the Organization for Strengthening
Unity; opposition groups include Freedom Movement of Iran, the
National Front, Marz-e Por Gohar, and various ethnic and Monarchist
organizations; armed political groups that have been almost
completely repressed by the government include Mujahidin-e Khalq
Organization (MEK), People's Fedayeen, Democratic Party of Iranian
Kurdistan, and Komala
an insurgency against the Iraqi Interim Government and
Coalition forces is primarily concentrated in Baghdad and in areas
west and north of the capital; the diverse, multigroup insurgency is
led principally by Sunni Arabs whose only common denominator is a
shared desire to oust the Coalition and end US influence in Iraq
Israeli nationalists advocating Jewish settlement on the West
Bank and Gaza Strip; Peace Now supports territorial concessions in
the West Bank and Gaza Strip; Yesha (settler) Council promotes
settler interests and opposes territorial compromise; B'Tselem
monitors human rights abuses
Italian manufacturers and merchants associations
(Confindustria, Confcommercio); organized farm groups
(Confcoltivatori, Confagricoltura); Roman Catholic Church; three
major trade union confederations (Confederazione Generale Italiana
del Lavoro or CGIL [Guglielmo EPIFANI] which is left wing,
Confederazione Italiana dei Sindacati Lavoratori or CISL [Savino
PEZZOTTA], which is Roman Catholic cent