g more of the history of this association and its
ambitions and desires. I know he could appear before that convention in
a much more advantageous way for the benefit of this association if he
were president of it. I feel that Mr. Jones ought to be elected
president of this association here tonight.
MR. OLCOTT: Mr. President, the presidents of this association have been
elected for two years and I think it has become an established custom.
THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Bixby referred to that tonight. I didn't understand
it that way. I supposed I was elected last year at Lancaster for one
MR. O'CONNOR: Mr. President, I took that matter up with Mr. Littlepage
and he told me it was customary to elect the president for one year at a
time and to re-elect him for the second year if he proved all right. So
far I think every member of this association has been well satisfied
with the service you have given us and we want you to continue on for
another year.
THE PRESIDENT: Pat, I thought you were my friend.
MR. SPENCER: I move the secretary cast the ballot of the association in
favor of the officers nominated by the committee on nominations.
MR. O'CONNOR: I second the motion.
(Upon the motion being put to a vote of the members, it was declared
duly CARRIED, the secretary cast one ballot for the persons nominated,
and they were declared duly elected.)
THE PRESIDENT: All right, ladies and gentlemen. Here we are with our
coats off and sleeves rolled up for another year; but I want to give you
all fair warning that if we don't have that thousand memberships at that
next convention, this child is going to drop out. (Laughter.)
The next in the order of business is the selection of a place for the
next convention. You heard the telegram this morning from Mr.
Littlepage and the telegram from the Washington Chamber of Commerce.
Personally, I would like to have you come to Rochester again because we
sure enough have enjoyed the sessions with you all here this time. There
is no finer city in the world than Rochester, N. Y., and we would like
to have you come back here. I want you to come here.
MR. O'CONNOR: Mr. President, I feel it is quite an honor that we are
asked to the capital city of the United States to hold our meeting. It
shows we were appreciated there some few years ago. I move you we have
the next meeting in Washington.
MR. OLCOTT: I second the motion.
(The motion being duly put to a vote of the members, it