ever I loose my Love,
I graunt thy wish: thou art become a man,
I speake no more then well perform I can.
And, though thou walke in chaunged bodie now,
This penance shall be added to thy vowe:
Thyself a man shalt love a man in vaine,
And, loving, wish to be a maide againe.
_Eu_. _Appollo_, whether I love a man or not,
I thanke ye: now I will accept my lot;
And, sith my chaunge hath disappointed you,
Ye are at libertie to love anew.
_Ap_. If ever I love, sith now I am forsaken,
Where next I love it shall be better taken.
But, what so ere my fate in loving bee,
Yet thou maist vaunt that _Phoebus_ loved thee.
[_Exit Appollo_.
_Enter Ioculo, Frisco, and Mopso, at three severall doores_.
_Mop_. _Ioculo_, whither iettest thou?
Hast thou found thy maister?
_Io_. _Mopso_, wel met; hast thou found thy mistresse?
_Mop_. Not I, by Pan.
_Io_. Nor I, by Pot.
_Mop_. Pot? what god's that?
_Io_. The next god to Pan; and such a pot it may be as he shall haue
more servants then all the Pannes in a Tinker's shop.
_Mop_. _Frisco_, where hast thou beene frisking? hast thou found--
_Fris_. I haue found,--
_Io_. What hast thou found, _Frisco_?
_Fris_. A couple of crack-roapes.
_Io_. And I.
_Mop_. And I.
_Fris_. I meane you two.
_Io_. I you two.
_Mop_. And I you two.
_Fris_. Come, a trebble conjunction: all three, all three.
(_They all imbrace each other_)
_Mop_. But _Frisco_, hast not found the faire shepheardesse,
thy maister's mistresse?
_Fris_. Not I, by God,--_Priapus_, I meane.
_Io_. _Priapus_, quoth a? Whatt'in[118] a God might that bee?
_Fris_. A plaine God, with a good peg to hang a shepheardesse bottle
_Io_. Thou, being a Forrester's Boy, shouldst sweare by the God of
the woods.
_Fris_. My Maister sweares by _Siluanus_; I must sweare by his poore
_Io_. And heer's a shepheard's swaine sweares by a Kitchen God, Pan.
_Mop_. Pan's the shepheardes God; but thou swearest by Pot: what God's
_Io_. The God of good-fellowship. Well, you haue wicked maisters, that
teach such little Boyes to sweare so young.
_Fris_. Alas, good old great man, wil not your maister swear?
_Io_. I neuer heard him sweare six sound oaths in all my life.
_Mop_. May hap he cannot because hee's diseas'd.
_Fris_. Peace, _Mopso_. I will stand too't hee's