e Board of Trustees of the Freedman's Savings
and Trust Company, held this date, the following resolutions were
"1st. _Resolved_, That in the death of the Rev. D. W. Anderson,
Trustee and Vice-President of this Company, we sustain the loss
of a most excellent Christian man, and an officer of highest
integrity. In all his relations to us he was an endeared
associate, and an honored, intelligent, co-worker: ever firm in
purpose and faithful to those for whom he labored. Our long
intercourse with him impressed us with the increasing value of
his services to the church of which he was pastor, and to _this
"We also hereby express our sincere sympathy with his immediate
friends, and especially his afflicted family.
"2d. _Resolved_, That, as an added expression of our esteem, this
Board will attend and take part in his funeral services, _as a
"3d. _Resolved_, That these resolutions be spread upon our
Records, and that a copy of the same be transmitted to his
WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 21, '73. }
"To Mrs. D. W. ANDERSON.
"_My Dear Sister_: Allow me to transmit to you the enclosed copy
of resolutions passed by the Board of Trustees of the F. S. and
T. Comp., _with_ the sincerest assurances of my _personal_
"Very respectfully, yours, etc.,
"I. W. ALVORD, _President_."
The Board of the Commissioners of the Washington Asylum passed the
following resolutions of condolence:
"WHEREAS, it has pleased Divine Providence to remove from this
life the Rev. D. W. Anderson, late President of this Board:
"_Be it resolved_, That in his death we have lost an honorable
and faithful associate, a genial and kind-hearted friend, whom we
delighted to honor and respect for his many virtues and sterling
worth. In him the poor have lost a sympathizing friend; the
criminal an even dispenser of Justice, and the Government one of
its most efficient officers.
"_Resolved_, That we tender our most sincere sympathy to his
bereaved family, and condole with them in this sa