My representations are founded on special information, and I deem it
best to make them now, when the most fantastic descriptions of the
all-absorbing desire of conquest on the part of Germany have circulated
in the press of the entire world.
Among other absurdities it has been declared that Germany intends to
claim a fourth of France, making this dismembered country a vassal
State, bound to the triumphal car of the conqueror by the very heaviest
chains. It is incredible, but true, that such a statement has been made
in the press by a Frenchman, formerly President of the Council.
In direct opposition to the fictitious demands of the Germans, I can
advance a proposition which may sound paradoxical, viz., that the
leading men in Germany, the Emperor and his advisers, after bringing the
war to a victorious issue, will seriously seek expedients to _avoid_
conquests, so far as this is compatible with the indispensable demands
of order and stability for Europe.
First, as regards France. The entire world, as also the Germans, are
moved to pity by her fate. Germany has never entertained any other wish
than to be at peace with her western frontier. A considerable portion of
France is now laid waste, and in a few weeks millions of soldiers will
have been poured into still wider portions of this beautiful country. On
what are the inhabitants of these French provinces to exist when the
German and French armies have requisitioned everything eatable? Germany
cannot feed the inhabitants of the French provinces occupied, nor can
the Belgians do so, I imagine, for the provisions of Germany are simply
sufficient for their own needs, England preventing any new supply on any
large scale.
This is a totally new state of things in comparison with 1870, when
Germany was still an agrarian country and had, moreover, a free supply
on all her frontiers.
Can the French Government allow a considerable portion of their own
population actually to starve, or be obliged to emigrate to other parts
of France, there to live the life of nomads at the expense of England,
while the deserted provinces are given over to desolation?
The idea prevails here that the French will compel their Government to
enter on and conclude a separate treaty of peace when the fatal
consequences of the war begin to assume this awful guise. England does
not appear to have considered that this would be the result of her
system of blockade.
The Ger