Double-u_, its form, that of a double
V."--_Dr. Wilson cor._ "Murray, in his _Spelling-Book_, wrote _Charlestown_
with a _hyphen_ and two capitals."--_G. Brown._ "He also wrote _European_
without a capital."--_Id._ "They profess themselves to be _Pharisees_, who
are to be heard and not imitated."--_Calvin cor._ "Dr. Webster wrote both
_Newhaven_ and _New York_ with single capitals."--_G. Brown_. "_Gay Head_,
the west point of Martha's Vineyard."--_Williams cor._ "Write _Crab
Orchard, Egg Harbour, Long Island, Perth Amboy, West Hampton, Little
Compton, New Paltz, Crown Point, Fell's Point, Sandy Hook, Port Penn, Port
Royal, Porto Bello_, and _Porto Rico_.'"--_G. Brown._ "Write the names of
the months: _January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,
September, October, November, December_."--_Id._ "Write the following names
and words properly: _Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Saturn;--Christ, Christian, Christmas, Christendom, Michaelmas, Indian,
Bacchanals;--East Hampton, Omega, Johannes, Aonian, Levitical, Deuteronomy,
"Eight _letters_ in some _syllables_ we find,
And no more _syllables_ in _words_ are join'd."--_Brightland cor._
1. Correction of _Murray_, in words of two syllables: civ-il, col-our,
cop-y, dam-ask, doz-en, ev-er, feath-er, gath-er, heav-en, heav-y, hon-ey,
lem-on, lin-en, mead-ow, mon-ey, nev-er, ol-ive, or-ange, oth-er,
pheas-ant, pleas-ant, pun-ish, rath-er, read-y, riv-er, rob-in, schol-ar,
shov-el, stom-ach, tim-id, whith-er.
2. Correction of _Murray_, in words of three syllables: ben-e-fit,
cab-i-net, can-is-ter, cat-a-logue, char-ac-ter, char-i-ty, cov-et-ous,
dil-i-gence, dim-i-ty, el-e-phant, ev-i-dent, ev-er-green, friv-o-lous,
gath-er-ing, gen-er-ous, gov-ern-ess, gov-ern-or, hon-est-y, kal-en-dar,
lav-en-der, lev-er-et, lib-er-al, mem-or-y, min-is-ter, mod-est-ly,
nov-el-ty, no-bod-y, par-a-dise, pov-er-ty, pres-ent-ly, prov-i-dence,
prop-er-ly, pris-on-er, rav-en-ous, sat-is-fy, sev-er-al, sep-ar-ate,
trav-el-ler, vag-a-bond;--con-sid-er, con-tin-ue, de-liv-er, dis-cov-er,
dis-fig-ure, dis-hon-est, dis-trib-ute, in-hab-it, me-chan-ic,
what-ev-er;--rec-om-mend, ref-u-gee, rep-ri-mand.
3. Correction of _Murray_, in words of four syllables: cat-er-pil-lar,
char-i-ta-ble, dil-i-gent-ly, mis-er-a-ble, prof-it-a-ble,