e stricken sod,
In agony searching for their God.
Each black cloud
Is a fiery steed.
And they cry aloud
With each strong deed,
"The sword of the Lord and Gideon."
And men repent and then forget
That heavenly wrath they ever met,
The band of Gideon yet will come
And strike their tongues of blasphemy dumb.
Each black cloud
Is a fiery steed.
And they cry aloud
With each strong deed,
"The sword of the Lord and Gideon."
The Home of the Colored Girl Beautiful will reflect her. She will help
her parents to buy a home that it may give her family more standing in
the civic community. Taste and simplicity will rule, for the home will
harmonize with the girl. If her parents are not particular about the
trifles in the way of curtains, fences, and yards, then it must be her
special task to make the home represent the beautiful in her, the God,
for all that is beautiful and good comes from God.
Windows generally express the character of the occupants of a house. The
day has passed when soiled or ragged lace curtains are tolerated. The
cheaper simpler scrims and cheese cloths which are easily laundered are
now used by the best people.
The Colored Girl Beautiful will study the possibilities of her home and
will attempt to secure the restful effects for the eye. Too much
furniture is bad taste. The less one has, the cleaner houses may be
The ornate heavy furniture and the upholstered parlor sets are passing
away because they are no longer considered good taste, besides they are
too heavy for cleanliness and are harmful to the health of women who do
their own work.
Furniture of less expensive model, with simple lines and of less weight
is being selected. This may be paid for in cash instead of "on time," as
has been the custom of many people in smaller towns and in the country
The furniture sold by the payment houses always shows its source in its
heaviness and shininess.
The wall paper should be selected as one would select a color for
clothes, to harmonize with the color of the skin in all lights, and for
service. Color schemes in decoration are being followed and we have no
more stuffy parlors, often closed for days. Instead we have living
rooms, with cleanable furniture, strong but light, entirely suitabl