19 Refers to a declaration intended to be spread broadcast drafted by
the House of Spirituality, and sent to Abdul-Baha for his approval.
20 This spelling was later changed by Abdul-Baha to Baha'o'llah, as an
aid to more correct pronunciation.
21 A term synonymous with heavenly food.
22 Ishrakat, i.e., Effulgences. Tarazat, i.e., Spiritual Ornaments.
Bescharat, i.e., Glad-tidings. Tajalliat, i.e., Spiritual Splendors.
Kalamat, i.e., Words of Paradise.
23 This completes the Tablets to the House of Spirituality.
24 Extracts from a Tablet to Mirza Assad Ullah, at the time of the
organization of the House of Justice, and the Assembly of Teaching
of Chicago, in September, 1901.
25 Leaves, i.e., women. This Tablet and the two following are to the
Assembly of Teaching of Chicago.
26 Maid-servants.
27 To the believers in general throughout America.
28 The Tomb of BAHA'O'LLAH.
29 Mirza Ameen Ullah Fareed, son of Mirza Assad Ullah.
30 Acca.
31 American believers.
32 Revealed in response to a supplication signed by 422 believers in
America and sent July 4, 1905.
33 Revealed for American believers in 1906, who had sent Abdul-Baha a
New Year's greeting.
34 Revealed in response to a supplication signed by 489 believers in
America during the period of the 19-day fast in 1906.
35 Kheta and Khotan are two cities in China celebrated for having large
numbers of musk-producing animals. The reference here symbolizes the
severed and detached believers who are diffusing the fragrance of
the Word of God.
36 The BAB.
38 Acca.
39 Acca.
40 Ring stone having this design:[i: Ringstone symbol].
41 Husband and wife.
42 Husband and wife.
43 The word "mind" (Persian, "dale") is also translated "heart"; here
it is mind.
44 From March 2d to March 20th, inclusive. The fast is kept by
refraining from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset.
45 Acca.
46 To the Muskegon (Mich.) assembly.
47 Husband and wife.
48 Texts relating to parables and which are veiled in symbols and have
esoteric meanings.
49 The Tomb of BAHA'O'LLAH.
50 Following Tablet as received bore no opening line of address.
51 Women.
52 The Cause.
53 The high station mentioned in the Koran ref