e Socialist press,
Hillquit's favorite sheet, "The New York Call," being one of the chief
offenders. A visit to the Rand School in New York City and examination
of the books for sale on its book-store shelves and the periodicals and
pamphlets there for sale will present appalling and convincing evidence
of the Socialist efforts to destroy elementary decency as well as the
institutions of marriage and the family.
Another declaration of the Camouflagists at the Socialist Convention of
May, 1920, stated that the Socialist Party "recognizes the right of
voluntary communities of citizens to maintain religious institutions and
to worship freely according to the dictates of their conscience." As
August Claessens warned the Convention: "Cry out against that which men
cherish as holy, and you rouse an antagonism which no argument can
defeat." This counsel of discretion is interesting side by side with
another Convention statement, made by William Karlin of New York: "If
the churches do stand for the old order, it will be a bad day for them
when the new order comes, because the churches will go down with the old
order." Mr. Karlin, however, accepting discretion as valor's better
part, admitted that "There are many people to whom we can appeal if we
don't arouse their religious prejudice;" while Delegate McIntyre, of the
District of Columbia, prudently advised the members of the Convention to
"get the voters first and talk religion out of them afterward." Again,
a visit to the book-shop of the Rand School is suggested if proof is
desired of the Socialist propaganda of atheism, sacrilege, and,
specifically, hatred of Christianity. The reader of "The Red Conspiracy"
will have noted enough of the Socialists' blasphemies to prevent the
Convention Camouflagists' hedging on this subject from having any effect
but added disgust at hypocrisy.
The Convention declared in favor of political action for the attainment
of the Socialists' ends. Exactly! Chapter XVI of this book, "The
Conspiracy Against Our Country," has shown for what purposes political
action and political power are to be used. Get traitors in office and
when the Revolution comes the forces to coerce the American people and
destroy the American Government will be in the traitors' control.
Camouflagists[25] and their opponents of the Convention united in the
nomination of Eugene V. Debs, convicted criminal, for President of the
United States. Let us hear the words of this m