is man enough to say boldly what he really thinks. At
the Convention he declared: "I say that it is time to inaugurate the
revolution immediately. The time to prepare for victory is now.... We
can't fool anybody here by decorating the walls with the flag of Wall
Delegate Oneal, one of Hillquit's own faction of political actionists,
volunteered to furnish a reason why camouflage was a useful policy for
the Socialists to adopt until "The Day" arrived,--the black day when the
United States of America should be gasping in the throes of death-agony,
like wretched Russia. Oneal sapiently remarked at the Convention: "The
time and conditions which favored the Russian revolution must be studied
before we attempt to adopt them here."
But the Camouflagists of the Convention did not sever and did not wish
to sever the close bond of union between the Socialist Party of the
United States and the Third or Moscow International, the Convention, in
its majority report, stating that "The Moscow organization is virile and
aggressive, inspired as it is by the militant idealism of the Russian
revolution," the majority report further stating that the Socialist
Party of the United States, "retaining its adherence to the Third
International," "instructs its executive committee, its international
secretary and international delegates to be elected" "To participate in
movements looking to the union of all true Socialist forces in the world
into one International and to initiate and further such movements
whenever the opportunity is presented." The said majority report
follows, as reported in "The New York Call," May 15, 1920:
"The international organization of Socialism has been disrupted as
a result of the world war.
"The old Second International is represented principally by the
majority party of Germany, the Socialist parties of the countries
carved out from the former Austro-Hungarian empire, and of most of
the countries of Europe that remained neutral during the war.
"The parties affiliated with this organization have largely
abandoned the revolutionary character and the militant methods of
working class Socialism. As a rule, they co-operate with the middle
class reform parties of their countries.
"The Third or Moscow International was organized by the Communist
party of Russia with the co-operation of several other Communist
organizations recruited in the main