arters, 1001 West Madison
street, Chicago, and the Socialist headquarters were raided by the
United States authorities. On March 10, 1919, Solicitor General Lamar of
the Post Office Department submitted a memorandum to the Senate
propaganda committee stating that the I. W. W., anarchists, socialists
and others were "perfecting an amalgamation with one object--the
overthrow of the government of the United States by means of a bloody
revolution and the establishment of a Bolshevik Republic." Mr. Lamar
said his conclusion was based upon information contained in seized mail
matter. Accompanying the memorandum were several hundred excerpts from
the mail matter. The solicitor named the following organs, published in
the interest of the I. W. W. or Bolshevist movements: "The New
Solidarity," English, weekly, Chicago; "One Big Union," English,
monthly, Chicago; "Industrial Unionist," English, weekly, Seattle;
"California Defense Bulletin," English, weekly, San Francisco; "The
Rebel Worker," English, bi-monthly, New York; "La Neuva Solidaridad,"
Spanish, weekly, Chicago; "Golos Truzenta," Russian, weekly, Chicago;
"Il Nuovo Proletario," Italian, weekly, Chicago; "Nya Varlden,"
Swedish, weekly, Chicago; "Der Industrialer Arbiter," Jewish, weekly,
Chicago; "Probuda," Bulgarian, weekly, Chicago; "A. Fels Badulas,"
Hungarian, weekly, Chicago. After referring to the excerpts from the
seized mail matter, the solicitor general's memorandum said in part:
"This propaganda is being conducted with such regularity that its
magnitude can be measured by the bold and outspoken statements contained
in these publications and the efforts made therein to inaugurate a
nation-wide reign of terror and overthrow of the government.
"In classifying these statements, they are submitted in a major or
general class as follows: I. W. W., anarchistic,
radical-socialistic and socialist. It will be seen from these
excerpts and it is indeed significant that this is the first time
in the history of the so-called radical movement in the United
States that the radical elements have found a common cause
(Bolshevism) in which they can all unite. The I. W. W.,
anarchistic, socialists, radical and otherwise, in fact all
dissatisfied elements, particularly the foreign element, are
perfecting amalgamation with one object, and with one object in
view, namely, the overthrow of the government of the United States