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im above all for ever. 3:62. O ye sun and moon, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:63. O ye stars of heaven, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:64. O every shower and dew, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:65. O all ye spirits of God, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:66. O ye fire and heat, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:67. O ye cold and heat, bless the Lord, praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:68. O ye dews and hoar frost, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:69. O ye frost and cold, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:70. O ye ice and snow, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:71. O ye nights and days, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:72. O ye light and darkness, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:73. O ye lightnings and clouds, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:74. O let the earth bless the Lord: let it praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:76. O all ye things that spring up in the earth, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:77. O ye fountains, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:78. O ye seas and rivers, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:79. O ye whales, and all that move in the waters, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:80. O all ye fowls of the air, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:81. O all ye beasts and cattle, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:82. O ye sons of men, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:83. O let Israel bless the Lord: let them praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:84. O ye priests of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:85. O ye servants of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:86. O ye spirits and souls of the just, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:87. O ye holy and humble of heart, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 3:88. O Ananias, Azarias, Misael, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. For he hath delivered us from hell, ad saved us out of the ha
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