Lazarus hed sores, but he hed dorgs to lick them.
Noo Gersey wuz the hide & tallow uv the Dimocrisy, and lo! that is gone.
What little is left uv the Dimocrisy is all sore, but where is the dorg
so low as to lick it!
Noo Gersey wuz our ewe lamb--lo! the strong hand uv Ablishnism hez taken
Noo Gersey wuz the Aryrat on wich our ark rested--behold! the dark waves
uv Ablishnism sweep over it!
Darkness falls over me like a pall--the shadder uv woe encompasseth me.
Down my furrowed cheeks rolleth the tears uv anguish, varyin in size
from a large Pea to a small tater.
Noo Gersey will vote for the Constooshnel Amendment, and lo! the Nigger
will possess the land.
I see horrid visions!
On the Camden and Amboy, nigger brakesmen; and at the polls, niggers!
Where shall we find refuge?
In the North? Lo! it is barred agin us by Ablishnism.
In the South? In their eyes the Northern copperhead findeth no favor.
In Mexico? There is war there, and we might be drafted.
Who will deliver us? Who will pluck us from the pit into wich we hev
Where I shel go the Lord only knows, but my impression is, South Karliny
will be my future home. Wade Hampton is electid Governor, certin, and in
that noble State, one may perhaps preserve enough uv the old Dimokratic
States Rites to leaven the whole lump.
"I'm aflote--I'm aflote
On the dark rollin sea."
And into what harbor fate will drive my weather-beaten bark, the
undersigned can not trooly say.
Noo Gersey--farewell! The world may stand it a year or two, but I doubt
Mournfly and sadly,
Lait Paster uv the Church uv the Noo Dispensashun.
A Conversation with General McStinger, of the State of Georgia, which
is interrupted by a Subjugated Rebel.
WASHINGTON, D.C., NOV. 18, 1865.
Sence the November elections I hev bin spendin' the heft uv my time in
Washinton. I find a melankoly pleasure in ling'rin around the scene uv
so many Demokratic triumphs. Here it wuz that Brooks, the heroic,
bludgeoned Sumner; here it wuz that Calhoon, & Yancey, and Breckinridge
achieved their glory and renown. Besides, it's the easiest place to
dodge a board bill in the Yoonited States. There's so many Congressmen
here who resemble me, that I hev no difficulty in passin for one,
two-thirds uv the time.
Yesterday I met,