ry well writ, in a good stile, giving me notice
of my cozen Kate Joyce's being likely to ruin herself by marriage, and
by ill reports already abroad of her, and I do fear that this keeping
of an inne may spoil her, being a young and pretty comely woman, and
thought to be left well. I did answer the letter with thanks and good
liking, and am resolved to take the advice he gives me, and go see her,
and find out what I can: but if she will ruin herself, I cannot help it,
though I should be troubled for it.
20th. Up betimes, and to my Office, where we had a meeting extraordinary
to consider of several things, among others the sum of money fit to be
demanded ready money, to enable us to set out 27 ships, every body
being now in pain for a fleete, and everybody endeavouring to excuse
themselves for the not setting out of one, and our true excuse is lack
of money. At it all the morning, and so at noon home to dinner with my
clerks, my wife and Deb. being busy at work above in her chamber getting
things ready and fine for her going into the country a week or two
hence. I away by coach to White Hall, where we met to wait on the Duke
of York, and, soon as prayers were done, it being Good Friday, he come
to us, and we did a little business and presented him with our demand
of money, and so broke up, and I thence by coach to Kate Joyce's,
being desirous and in pain to speak with her about the business that I
received a letter yesterday, but had no opportunity of speaking with her
about it, company being with her, so I only invited her to come and dine
with me on Sunday next, and so away home, and for saving my eyes at
my chamber all the evening pricking down some things, and trying some
conclusions upon my viall, in order to the inventing a better theory of
musique than hath yet been abroad; and I think verily I shall do it. So
to supper with my wife, who is in very good humour with her working, and
so am I, and so to bed. This day at Court I do hear that Sir W. Pen do
command this summer's fleete; and Mr. Progers of the Bedchamber, as a
secret, told me that the Prince Rupert is troubled at it, and several
friends of his have been with him to know the reason of it; so that he
do pity Sir W. Pen, whom he hath great kindness for, that he should not
at any desire of his be put to this service, and thereby make the Prince
his enemy, and contract more envy from other people. But I am not a whit
sorry if it should be so, first for the Ki