Powers, H. H., 315, 318, 322
Powers, Leland, 243, 274, 284, 298
Post office building, 308
Potter, Bishop, 302
Prendergast, W. H., 317
Presbrey, O. F., 70
Presbyterian House, 245
Presidents at Chautauqua, x
Press Club, 261
Procession, Recognition Day, 204
Ragan, H. H., 221
Ramsay, William, 312
Randolph, Warren, 83
Ransom, W. L., 334
Raymond, A. V. V., xii
Raymond, C. R., 331
Recognition Day, the first, 196
Religious teaching, school of, 278
Repplier, Agnes, 249
_Review of Reviews_, xi
Rhees, Rush, 298
Rice, W. M., 138
Richards, W. C., 210
Richardson, C. F., 187
Riddle, George, 231, 236, 243, 307
Riis, J. A., 250, 272, 296, 315
Robins, Raymond, 289, 336
Robinson, Mrs. Douglas, 359
Rockefeller, J. D., 351
Roman year, the, 225
Roosevelt, President, x, 247, 258, 264, 276, 295, 316
Rose, H. R., 315
Roselli, Bruno, 347
Ross, G. A. J., 313
Round Lake Assembly, 44, 45, 370
Russian symphony orchestra, 335, 337, 341
Sadler, C., 53
St. Paul's Grove, 137
Sanders, F. R., 310
Sanders, H. M., 82
Sargent, F. P., 287
Schaff, Philip, 188
Schmucker, S. C., 299, 315
Schurman, J. G., 251
Scientific Conference, 73
Seton, E. T., 300
Sewer system, 255
Shaw, Anna H., 250, 271, 346
Shedlock, Miss M. L., 294
Sheldon, C. M., xvi
Sherwin, W. F., 41, 68, 202
Sherwood, 244, 316
Signal Fires, 299
Simpson, Bishop, 55
Simpson, W. O., 165
Slosson, E. E., xi, 336
Smith, F. H., 299
Smith, G. A., 269, 279, 294
Smith, S. S., 221
Snowden, Mrs. Philip, 306, 312
Snyder, Jacob, 20
Socialism, 321
Social unrest, 302
Somerset, Lady Henry, 264
Southwick, H. L., 294
Southwick, Mrs. J. E., 272
Sparks, E. E., 309
Spouting tree, 99
Stagg, A. A., 238
Standard Oil Co., 180
Standards of Time, 59
Stanley, F. G., 293
Starr, Frederick, 240, 294
Steamboats, 58
Steiner, E. A., 300
Stelzle, Charles, 302, 307
Stevens, Lillian M. N., 290
Stokes, J. G. P., 302
Stokes, Rose P., 302, 322
Stone, J. T., 316
Street, J. R., 278
Streets at Chautauqua, 91
Strong, James, 125
Strong, Josiah, 267
Stuart, E. G., 307
Stuntz, Bishop, 293
Summer schools, 162
Sunday at Chautauqua, 55, 56
Sunday school lessons, 16, 278
Sunday school normal department, 17, 88, 195
Sunday school parliament, 362
Sunday school union, 28
Swing, David, 241
Symphony orchestra,