Crafts, W. F., 108, 362
Crawford, W. H., 265, 284
Croquet at Chautauqua, 257
Crosby, Howard, 131
Crothers, S. M., 303, 312, 323
Cumnock, R. L., 211, 231, 236, 243
_Daily Assembly Herald_, 78
Davis, Katharine B., 334, 353
Davis, O. S., 360
Dawson, W. J., 299
Deems, 55, 111, 131, 227, 369
DeGrott, E. B., 302
Democracy at Chautauqua, 189
Denominational houses, 174
Denominations at Chautauqua, 33
Devotional Hour, 207, 292
Dewey, Melvil, 283, 302
Dickinson, J. W., 161
Dining Hall, the old, 39
Disciples House, 286
Domestic Science, 271
Dorchester, Daniel, 293
Doremus, R. O., 74
Downes, Olin, 324
Downey, Mary E., 283, 329
Draper, A. S., 310
Drummond, Henry, 262
Dugmore, A. R., 339
Duncan, W. Aver, 85
Dunning, A. E., 187, 287, 383
Duryea, J. E., 214
Eastern Star, order of, 262
Eastman, C. A., 356
Eaton, John B., 274
Eberhardt, A. O., ix
Edison, T. A., 75
Eggleston, Edward, 263
Eliot, C. W., 270
Eliot, S. A., 310
Ellsworth, W. W., 352
Ely, R. T., 274
Esperanto, 311
Ewing, Mrs. E. P., 210, 271
Excell, E. O., 221
Expression, school of, 264
Fairbairn, xiv, 221, 234, 246, 267, 279
Fair Point, 10, 23, 58
Fallows, Bishop, 310
Faunce, W. H. P., 274, 279, 311
Fenton Memorial Home, 341
Ferguson, John, 353
Fife, R. H., 347
Finley, J. H., 271, 357
Fires at Chautauqua, 245, 304
Fisk Jubilee Singers, 181, 188
Fiske, John, 250, 267, 279
Fletcher, Horace, 277
Flood, T. L., 69, 78, 181
Flood and Vincent, 245
Flower girls, 199
Flude, G. L., 389
Folk, J. W., 298
Forbush, Byron, 301
Ford Peace Expedition, 335
Foreign Mission Institute, 163
Foreign Tour, 210
Fosdick, H. E., 340
Foss, Bishop, 227, 241
Foster, Bishop, 138, 167
Founders of Chautauqua, 11
Fowler, Bishop, 55, 138, 167
Fox, John, 274
Fraser, Helen, 346
French Military Band, 345
French Road, 8
Frost, W. G., 290
Galloway, Bishop, 279
Garfield, President, 182
Garghill, Isabel, 274
Garland, D. R., 341
Garland, Hamlin, 291
Garvie, A. E., 358
Gates, M. E., 252
Gavazzi, Alessandro, 187
George, W. R., 302
Ghost Walk, the, 185
Gibbons, H. A., 333, 342, 359
Gibson, H. M., 251
Gifford, O. P., 283
Gilbert, J. E., 373
Gilkey, C. W., 334, 347
Gillet, A. H., 381
Gilman, Arthur, 131
Gilmore, J. H., 180
Girls' club, 252, 286
Gladden, Washington, 1