l to be provided with a hatchet to cut into some
decayed stump, a trowel to dig up the forest soil, a knife for
cutting off twigs and a hand reading glass for examining the
structural parts of the various objects under observation. A camera
is always a valuable asset because the photographs hung in the
classroom become records of great interest to all participants.
7. Suggestions for forming tree clubs: A good way to interest children
in trees and nature study is to form, among them, a Tree Club. The
idea has been fully developed in Brooklyn, N.Y., Newark, N.J., and
other cities and consists of forming clubs of children in the public
schools and private institutions for the purpose of interesting them
in the trees around their school and their homes. The members of
these clubs are each given the tree warden's badge of authority and
assigned to some special duty in the preservation of the local
trees. A plan of study and of outdoor trips is laid out for them by
their director and at stated periods they are given illustrated
lectures on trees and taken to the neighboring parks or woodlands.
Acer negundo,
-- platanoides,
-- polymorphum,
-- pseudoplatanus,
-- rubrum,
-- saccharinum,
-- saccharum,
Aesculus hippocastanum,
-- rubicunda,
Ailing tree, how to tell an,
Air, influence of,
Alternate branched trees,
American beech,
-- elm,
-- larch,
-- linden,
Annual rings,
Aphides or plant lice,
Apple rust,
Arbor-vita and red cedar, description of,
-- (northern white cedar),
Arsenate of lead,
Ash, wood,
-- black,
-- white,
Ash-leaf maple,
Aspen, large-toothed,
--, quaking,
Austrian pine,
Bald cypress,
Balm of Gilead,
Balsam, fir,
--, poplar,
Bark, how to prevent splitting when removing branches,
-- or trunk, trees told by their,
Bean, Indian,
Beech, American,
--, blue, or hornbeam,
--, copper,
--, European,
-- tree,
Beetle, elm leaf,
Betula alba,
-- lutea,
-- lenta,
-- papyrifera,
-- populifolia,
Bhotan pine,
Bigbud hickory,
Birch, black,
--, European white,
-- fungus rot,
--, gray,
--, paper,
--, sweet,
-- tree,
--, white,
--, yellow,
Bitternut hickory,
Black ash,
-- birch,
-- locust,
-- oak,
-- or sweet birch,
-- spruce,
-- walnut,
Blotches, leaf,
Blue beech, or hornbeam,
-- spruce,
Bolting limbs,
Bordeaux mixture,
Borer, bronze-birch,
--, hickory bark,
--, linden,
--, locust,