or with a short stem; g. rather broad,
crowded; sp. 10-12 long.
[=furvellus=, Karst. P. dusky or bluish rosy, yellowish-white then
brownish when old; sp. 6-9 x 4-5.
Allied to _P. unguicularis_ but larger and becoming pale.
=Leightoni=, B. P. 1-1.5 cm. at first obliquely conical then
shell-shaped, umber or lead-colour, scurfy and with short black
bristles; g. distant, tan, forked at base; sp. ----.
=algidus=, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. horizontal, reniform, pellicle thin, viscid,
reddish-brown or grey; g. crowded, yellowish.
=fluxilis=, Fr. P. reniform, gelatinoso-viscid above, umber; g.
radiating from a lateral point, distant, whitish; sp. 10 long.
[=unguicularis=, Fr. P. resup. covered with a viscid pellicle, grey or
blackish; s. incurved then ascending, very short, white; g. distant,
white; sp. 4-6 x 1.5.
[=Silvanus=, Sacc. P. thin, sessile, cupulate or dimidiate, resupinate
then reflexed, very even, glabrous, greyish black, very minutely
white-scurfy; g. broad, dingy white; sp. strongly curved, 8-9 x 3.5-4.
=cyphellaeformis=, B. P. 5-8 mm. pendulous, cup-shaped, downy or mealy,
upper layer gelatinous, grey; g. narrow, distant, pure white; sp. ----.
Resembling a _Cyphella_ in habit.
[=nivosus=, Q. P. thin, campan. sessile, gelatinous, white and like
parchment when dry, granularly rugose, striate, subpellucid, smoky grey,
when moist with hyaline warts; g. narrow, white; sp. reniform, 12 x 2.
=applicatus=, Batsch. P. 4-8 mm. dusky grey, sessile, thin, rather
firm, cupulate, resupinate then reflexed, slightly striate,
subpruinose, base downy; gills broad, paler; sp. glob. 4-5.
Differs from _P. tremulus_ in absence of distinct s.
[=Mustialensis=, Karst. P. resupinate, subgelatinous within, sessile or
with an exceedingly short lateral stem, black, white-tomentose; g.
distant, narrow, paler; sp. 6-8 x 4.
Differs from _P. applicatus_ in black p. with white down, and dark g.
*** _Pileus membranaceous, not viscid._
=Hobsoni=, B. P. 4-7 mm. reniform or semicircular, horizontal, pale
grey, downy; g. radiating, pallid; sp. ----.
Differs from _P. applicatus_ in being plane.
=striatulus=, Fr. P. 3-4 mm. very thin, pale grey, slightly cup-shaped,
striate, glabrous; g. few, distant.
[=canus=, Q. P. thin, dimidiate, reniform, edge mostly lobed, whitish,
downy, striate; g. very distant, adnate, white, edge fimbriate; s.
rudimentary; sp. 7-9 x 5.
[=arenarius=, Lasch. Hoary-pallid, subsulcate, slightl